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[xmlblaster-devel] build xmlblaster with bcb6 problem

   I try to build xmlblaster with bcb6 and get some questions.

   First I modify build.xml like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>                                                                       
<project name="xmlBlaster" default="usage" basedir=".">
   <property name="compiler" value="bcc"/>  <!-- change from msvc to  bcc -->
   <target name="initialize-cpp" depends="prepare" >
            <property name="use-bcc" value="true" />  <!-- change from msvc to  bcc -->

   <target name="c-lib" depends="prepare-cpp" >
           <define name="_WINDOWS" value="1" if="windows" /> <!-- add -->


and modify build.properties like this:
      COMPILE_CORBA_PLUGIN                = 0
      corba.product                       = NONE

      COMPILE_SOCKET_PLUGIN               = 1

      XMLCPP_VER                          = _2
      XMLCPP_HOME                         = f:/xmlBlaster/xerces-c2_2_0-win32

then run build.bat

F:\xmlBlaster>build c-lib
xmlBlaster Build System
     [echo] Adjust following settings in build.properties if necessary:
     [echo]  os.name       = Windows XP
     [echo]  XMLCPP_HOME   = f:/xmlBlaster/xerces-c2_2_0-win32
     [echo]  XMLCPP_VER    = _2
     [echo]  CORBACPP_HOME = /opt/ACE_wrappers/TAO
     [echo]  CORBACPP_VER  =
     [echo]  use-gcc       = ${use-gcc}
     [echo]  use-icc       = ${use-icc}
     [echo]  use-CC        = ${use-CC}
     [echo]  use-msvc      = ${use-msvc}
     [echo]  use-bcc       = true
     [echo]  LOG4CPLUS_OS_EXCLUDES=**/*unix*,**/*mac*
     [echo]  Setting NONE = true
     [echo]  Setting NONE,windows = true
     [echo]  Setting OMNITHREAD = true


       [cc] 8 total files to be compiled.
       [cc] Borland C++ 5.6 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2002 Borland
       [cc] F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\socket\xmlBlasterZlib.c:
       [cc] Warning W8057 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\socket\xmlBlasterZlib.c 288: Parameter 'zlibWriteBufP' is never used in function xmlBlaster_initZlibWriter
       [cc] Warning W8057 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\socket\xmlBlasterZlib.c 289: Parameter 'zlibWriteBufP' is never used in function xmlBlaster_writenCompressed
       [cc] Error E2275 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\XmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed.h 52: { expected
       [cc] Error E2450 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\socket\XmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed.c 49: Undefined structure 'XmlBlasterConnectionUnparsedStruct' in function getXmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed
       [cc] Error E2109 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\socket\XmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed.c 49: Not an allowed type in function getXmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed
       [cc] Error E2451 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\socket\XmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed.c 51: Undefined symbol 'argc' in function getXmlBlasterConnectionUnparsed
       [cc] *** 26 errors in Compile ***
       [cc] F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\util\helper.c: 
       [cc] Warning W8019 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\util\helper.c 123: Code has no effect in function getStackTrace
       [cc] Error E2450 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\util\helper.c 213: Undefined structure '_timeb' in function getAbsoluteTime
       [cc] Error E2449 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\util\helper.c 213: Size of 'tm' is unknown or zero in function getAbsoluteTime
       [cc] Error E2450 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\util\helper.c 213: Undefined structure '_timeb' in function getAbsoluteTime
       [cc] Error E2450 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\util\helper.c 213: Undefined structure '_timeb' in function getAbsoluteTime
       [cc] Error E2449 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\util\helper.c 213: Size of 'tm' is unknown or zero in function getAbsoluteTime
       [cc] Warning W8065 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\util\helper.c 214: Call to function '_ftime'  with no prototype in function getAbsoluteTime
       [cc] Error E2451 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\util\helper.c 216: Undefined symbol 'time' in function getAbsoluteTime
       [cc] Error E2451 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c\util\helper.c 217: Undefined symbol 'millitm' in function getAbsoluteTime
       [cc] *** 7 errors in Compile ***

F:\xmlBlaster\build.xml:2856: bcc32 failed with return code 1

So  I modify build.xml  and helper.h file;
in build.xml  I add this line:
<target name="c-lib"> 
 <define name="DLL_IGNORE" value="1" if="windows" />  <!-- add -->

add a struct at the end of helper.h file
struct _timeb {
                time_t time;
                unsigned short millitm;
                short timezone;
                short dstflag;

and Then I run the build.bat again,I can build it now.


Now I try to build the cpp source code;
F:\xmlBlaster>build cpp-lib
xmlBlaster Build System

     [echo] os.family=windows os.name=Windows XP
     [echo] Build timestamp = 05/09/2005 09:49 上午 version = 1.0.2
     [echo] xmlBlaster.home=F:\xmlBlaster
     [echo] JVM.target=1.4, JVM.source=1.4

     [echo] Adjust following settings in build.properties if necessary:
     [echo]  os.name       = Windows XP
     [echo]  XMLCPP_HOME   = f:/xmlBlaster/xerces-c2_2_0-win32
     [echo]  XMLCPP_VER    = _2
     [echo]  CORBACPP_HOME = /opt/ACE_wrappers/TAO
     [echo]  CORBACPP_VER  =
     [echo]  use-gcc       = ${use-gcc}
     [echo]  use-icc       = ${use-icc}
     [echo]  use-CC        = ${use-CC}
     [echo]  use-msvc      = ${use-msvc}
     [echo]  use-bcc       = true
     [echo]  LOG4CPLUS_OS_EXCLUDES=**/*unix*,**/*mac*
     [echo]  Setting NONE = true
     [echo]  Setting NONE,windows = true
     [echo]  Setting OMNITHREAD = true


    [mkdir] Created dir: F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\objCD
     [echo] c-lib done, continue with cpp-lib ...

    [mkdir] Created dir: F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\objCPPD
     [echo] Using f:/xmlBlaster/xerces-c2_2_0-win32/lib and xerces-c_2
       [cc] 89 total files to be compiled.
       [cc] Borland C++ 5.6 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2002 Borland
       [cc] F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\key\QueryKeyData.cpp:
       [cc] Error E2268 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/I_Log.h 62: Call to undefined function 'exit' in function I_Log::panic(const _STL::string &,const _STL::string &)
       [cc] Error E2268 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/I_Log.h 69: Call to undefined function 'exit' in function I_Log::exit(const _STL::string &,const _STL::string &)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/StringTrim.h 49: Conversion may lose significant digits in function StringTrim::toLowerCase(_STL::string &)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 40: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Encode(unsigned char)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 44: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Encode(unsigned char)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 48: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Encode(unsigned char)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 60: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Decode(char)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 64: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Decode(char)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 68: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Decode(char)
       [cc] Error E2268 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/lexical_cast.h 111: Call to undefined function 'sprintf' in function bad_lexical_cast::what() const throw()
       [cc] Error E2356 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/lexical_cast.h 257: Type mismatch in redeclaration of '_STL::string lexical_cast<>(bool)'
       [cc] Error E2344 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/lexical_cast.h 257: Earlier declaration  of '_STL::string lexical_cast<>(bool)'
       [cc] Error E2356 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/lexical_cast.h 271: Type mismatch in redeclaration of '_STL::string lexical_cast<>(_STL::string)'
       [cc] Error E2344 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/lexical_cast.h 271: Earlier declaration of '_STL::string lexical_cast<>(_STL::string)'
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\key\QueryKeyData.cpp 59: Conversion may lose significant digits in function QueryKeyData::checkQueryType(const string &)
       [cc] Error E2015 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\key\QueryKeyData.cpp 103: Ambiguity between 'AccessFilterVector' and 'qos::AccessFilterVector'
       [cc] Error E2015 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\key\QueryKeyData.cpp 133: Ambiguity between 'AccessFilterVector' and 'qos::AccessFilterVector' in function QueryKeyData::toXml(const string&) const
       [cc] Error E2034 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\key\QueryKeyData.cpp 133: Cannot convert 'const AccessFilterQos *' to 'const char *' in function QueryKeyData::toXml(const string &) const
       [cc] Warning W8011 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\key\QueryKeyData.cpp 134: Nonportable pointer comparison in function QueryKeyData::toXml(const string &) const
       [cc] Error E2294 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\key\QueryKeyData.cpp 135: Structure required on left side of . or .* in function QueryKeyData::toXml(const string &) const
       [cc] *** 11 errors in Compile ***

       [cc] F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\Timeout.cpp:
       [cc] Error E2015 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\Timeout.cpp 73: Ambiguity between 'org::xmlBlaster::util::_STL::basic_string<char,_STL::char_traits<char>,_STL::allocator<char> > lexical_ast<>(bool)' and 'org::xmlBlaster::util::_STL::basic_string<char,_STL::char_traits<char>,_STL::allocator<char> > lexical_cast<_STL::basic_string<char,_STL::char_traits<char>,_STL::allocator<char> >,bool>(bool)' in function org::xmlBlaster::util::Timeout::start(bool)
       [cc] Error E2285 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\Timeout.cpp 73: Could not find a match for 'I_Log::call(string,undefined)' in function Timeout::start(bool)
       [cc] Error E2451 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\Timeout.cpp 273: Undefined symbol 'e' in function Timeout::run()
       [cc] *** 10 errors in Compile ***

       [cc] F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\cluster\NodeId.cpp:
       [cc] Error E2268 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/I_Log.h 62: Call to undefined function 'exit' in function I_Log::panic(const _STL::string &,const _STL::string &)
       [cc] Error E2268 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/I_Log.h 69: Call to undefined function 'exit' in function I_Log::exit(const _STL::string &,const _STL::string &)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/StringTrim.h 49: Conversion may lose significant digits in function StringTrim::toLowerCase(_STL::string &)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 40: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Encode(unsigned char)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 44: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Encode(unsigned char)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 48: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Encode(unsigned char)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 60: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Decode(char)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 64: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Decode(char)
       [cc] Warning W8071 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/Base64.h 68: Conversion may lose significant digits in function Base64::Decode(char)
       [cc] Error E2268 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/lexical_cast.h 111: Call to undefined function 'sprintf' in function bad_lexical_cast::what() const throw()
       [cc] Error E2356 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/lexical_cast.h 257: Type mismatch in redeclaration of '_STL::string lexical_cast<>(bool)'
       [cc] Error E2344 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/lexical_cast.h 257: Earlier declaration of '_STL::string lexical_cast<>(bool)'
       [cc] Error E2356 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/lexical_cast.h 271: Type mismatch in redeclaration of '_STL::string lexical_cast<>(_STL::string)'
       [cc] Error E2344 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util/lexical_cast.h 271: Earlier declaration of '_STL::string lexical_cast<>(_STL::string)'
       [cc] Error E2015 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\cluster\NodeId.cpp 64: Ambiguity between 
                           'org::xmlBlaster::util::_STL::basic_string<char,_STL::char_traits<char>,_STL::allocator<char> > lexical_cast<>(_STL::basic_string<char,_STL::char_traits<char>,_STL::allocator<char> >)' 
            and            'org::xmlBlaster::util::_STL::basic_string<char,_STL::char_traits<char>,_STL::allocator<char> > lexical_cast<_STL::basic_string<char,_STL::char_traits<char>,_STL::allocator<char> >,_STL::basic_string<char,_STL::char_traits<char>,_STL::allocator<char> > >(_STL::basic_string<char,_STL::char_traits<char>,_STL::allocator<char> >)' 
            in function     org::xmlBlaster::util::cluster::NodeId::setId(const _STL::basic_string<char,_STL::char_traits<char>,_STL::allocator<char> > &)
       [cc] Error E2285 F:\xmlBlaster\build.tmp\src\c++\util\cluster\NodeId.cpp 64: Could not find a  match for 'XmlBlasterException::XmlBlasterException(const ErrorCode,const string,undefined)' in function NodeId::setId(const string &)
       [cc] *** 9 errors in Compile ***

F:\xmlBlaster\build.xml:2383: bcc32 failed with return code 1

Total time: 15 seconds



Any ideas or suggestions?

Many Thanks!


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