1 // xmlBlaster/demo/javaclients/ClientPlugin.java
 2 package javaclients;
 3 import org.xmlBlaster.client.I_XmlBlasterAccess;
 4 import org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlBlasterAccess;
 5 import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
 6 import org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit;
 7 import org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.I_Plugin;
 8 import org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginInfo;
11 /**
12  * This client is loaded by xmlBlaster as a plugin on startup, it then connects
13  * to xmlBlaster and gets synchronous a message and disconnects. 
14  * <p />
15  * You need to add this plugin to xmlBlasterPlugins.xml, for example:
16  * <pre>
17  *  &lt;plugin id='ClientPlugin' className='javaclients.ClientPlugin'>
18  *     &lt;action do='LOAD' onStartupRunlevel='9'/>
19  *     &lt;action do='STOP' onShutdownRunlevel='6'/>
20  *  &lt;/plugin>
21  * </pre>
22  * @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/engine.runlevel.html" target="others">run level requirement</a>
23  * @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/engine.runlevel.howto.html" target="others">run level howto requirement</a>
24  */
25 public class ClientPlugin implements I_Plugin
26 {
27    public void init(org.xmlBlaster.util.Global glob, PluginInfo pluginInfo)
28                                                throws XmlBlasterException {
29       doSomething();
30    }
32    public String getType() {
33       return "ClientPlugin";
34    }
36    public String getVersion() {
37       return "1.0";
38    }
40    public void shutdown() throws XmlBlasterException {
41    }
43    /**
44     * We login to xmlBlaster and check the free memory
45     */
46    private final void doSomething() {
47       try {
48          I_XmlBlasterAccess con = new XmlBlasterAccess(new String[0]);
50          con.connect(null, null);    // Login to xmlBlaster
52          MsgUnit[] msgs = con.get("<key oid='__cmd:?freeMem'/>", null);
54          System.out.println("\n###ClientPlugin###: xmlBlaster has currently " +
55                 new String(msgs[0].getContent()) + " bytes of free memory\n");
57          con.disconnect(null);
58       }
59       catch (Exception e) {
60          System.err.println("ClientPlugin: We have a problem: " + e.toString());
61       }
62    }
63 }

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