xmlBlaster 2.2.0 client API

Class XmlBlasterAccess

  extended by org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.AbstractCallbackExtended
      extended by org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlBlasterAccess
All Implemented Interfaces:
I_Callback, I_CallbackRaw, I_ConnectionHandler, I_XmlBlasterAccess, I_CallbackExtended, I_XmlBlaster, XmlBlasterAccessMBean, I_ConnectionStatusListener, I_PostSendListener

public class XmlBlasterAccess
extends AbstractCallbackExtended
implements I_XmlBlasterAccess, I_ConnectionStatusListener, I_PostSendListener, XmlBlasterAccessMBean

This is the default implementation of the java client side remote access to xmlBlaster.

It hides a client side queue, the client side dispatcher framework for polling or pinging the server and some more features.

The interface I_CallbackRaw/I_Callback/I_CallbackExtenden are enforced by AbstractCallbackExtended.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.AbstractCallbackExtended
glob, updateBulkAck
Constructor Summary
XmlBlasterAccess(Global glob)
          Create an xmlBlaster accessor.
XmlBlasterAccess(java.lang.String[] args)
          Create an xmlBlaster accessor.
Method Summary
 ConnectReturnQos connect(ConnectQos qos, I_Callback updateListener)
          Login to xmlBlaster.
 ConnectReturnQos connect(ConnectQos qos, I_StreamingCallback streamingUpdateListener, boolean withQueue)
 StorageId createStorageId(java.lang.String relating)
          The storageId must remain the same after a client restart
 SynchronousCache createSynchronousCache(int size)
          Setup the cache mode.
 PublishReturnQos createTemporaryTopic(long destroyDelay, int historyMaxMsg)
 PublishReturnQos createTemporaryTopic(java.lang.String uniqueTopicId, long destroyDelay, int historyMaxMsg)
 PublishReturnQos createTemporaryTopic(TopicProperty topicProperty)
          Create a temporay topic.
 boolean disconnect(DisconnectQos disconnectQos)
          Logout from the server.
 java.lang.String disconnect(java.lang.String disconnectQos)
 EraseReturnQos[] erase(EraseKey eraseKey, EraseQos eraseQos)
 EraseReturnQos[] erase(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos)
 boolean forcePollingForTesting()
 MsgUnit[] get(GetKey getKey, GetQos getQos)
          Get synchronous messages.
 MsgUnit[] get(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos)
 java.lang.String getBuildJavaVendor()
          The java vendor of the compiler.
 java.lang.String getBuildJavaVersion()
          The compiler java version.
 java.lang.String getBuildTimestamp()
          Returns the date when xmlBlaster client library was compiled.
 MsgUnit[] getCached(GetKey getKey, GetQos getQos)
          Access synchronously messages.
 I_CallbackServer getCbServer()
          Access the callback server.
 java.lang.String getConnectionQueueId()
          Access the unique id of my client side queue.
 long getConnectionQueueMaxMsgs()
          How many messages are max.
 long getConnectionQueueNumMsgs()
          How many messages are in this client side queue
 java.lang.String getConnectionState()
          Get the connection state.
 ConnectQos getConnectQos()
          Access the current ConnectQos
 ConnectReturnQos getConnectReturnQos()
          Access the returned QoS of a connect() call.
 ContextNode getContextNode()
          The unique name of this session instance.
 boolean getDispatcherActive()
          Access the dispatcher state.
 DispatchStatistic getDispatchStatistic()
          Access the statistic holder.
 FileDumper getFileDumper()
 Global getGlobal()
          Access the environment settings of this connection.
 java.lang.String getId()
          Create a descriptive ME, for logging only
 java.lang.String getLogId()
          Useful as a logging prefix.
 java.lang.String getLoginDate()
          Get date when client logged in.
 java.lang.String getLoginName()
          Access the login name.
 long getNumErase()
          How many subscribe requests where send by this clients login session
 long getNumGet()
          How many get requests where send by this clients login session
 long getNumPublish()
          How many messages where send by this clients login session
 long getNumSubscribe()
          How many subscribe requests where send by this clients login session
 long getNumUnSubscribe()
          How many unsubscribe requests where send by this clients login session
 long getNumUpdate()
          How many messages where received by this clients login session
 long getNumUpdateOneway()
          How many oneway messages where received by this clients login session
 long getPingRoundTripDelay()
          Measures the round trip for the last ping() invocation in milli seconds.
static java.lang.String getPluginUsage(java.lang.String clazzName)
          Access plugin specific usage()
 long getPublicSessionId()
          Get the sessions public session id.
 I_Queue getQueue()
          Enforced by interface I_ConnectionHandler
 java.lang.String getRevisionNumber()
          Returns the xmlBlaster client library SVN version control revision number.
 long getRoundTripDelay()
          Measures the round trip for the last remote method invocation in milli seconds.
 org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.I_ClientPlugin getSecurityPlugin()
          Access the client side security plugin.
 java.lang.String getServerNodeId()
          The cluster node id (name) to which we want to connect.
 SessionName getSessionName()
          The public session ID of this login session.
 ConnectionStateEnum getState()
          Enforced by interface I_ConnectionHandler
 java.lang.String getStorageIdStr()
 XmlBlasterException getToDeadXmlBlasterException()
          Workaround to transport the reason for the toDead() transition as the interface {@link I_ConnectionStateListener#reachedDead(ConnectionStateEnum, I_XmlBlasterAccess) is missing to pass the exception to the client.
 I_Callback getUpdateListener()
          The implementation which receives the callback messages.
 long getUptime()
          Uptime in seconds
 java.lang.Object getUserObject()
          Can be freely used by client code to store an object and later retrieve it.
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          Get the xmlBlaster client library version number.
 I_CallbackServer initCbServer(java.lang.String loginName, CallbackAddress callbackAddress)
          Create a new instance of the desired protocol driver like CORBA or RMI driver using the plugin loader.
 java.lang.String[] invokeErase(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String qos)
 java.lang.String[] invokeGet(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String qos)
 java.lang.String invokePublish(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String content, java.lang.String qos)
 java.lang.String invokeSubscribe(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String qos)
 java.lang.String[] invokeUnSubscribe(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String qos)
 boolean isAlive()
          Enforced by interface I_ConnectionHandler
 boolean isCallbackConfigured()
          Check if a callback was configured, if client has passed a callback address on connect.
 boolean isCallbackDispatcherActive()
 boolean isConnected()
          Has the connect() method successfully passed?
 boolean isDead()
          Enforced by interface I_ConnectionHandler
 boolean isPolling()
          Enforced by interface I_ConnectionHandler
 boolean isShutdown()
 java.lang.String leaveServer()
 void leaveServer(java.util.Map map)
          Leaves the connection to the server and cleans up the client side resources without making a server side disconnect.
 void lostConnection(XmlBlasterException xmlBlasterException)
          For example called by SOCKET layer (SocketCallbackImpl.java) on EOF.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          For testing invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlBlasterAccess
 java.lang.String[] peekClientMessages(int numOfEntries)
          Peek messages from client queue, they are not removed
 java.lang.String[] peekClientMessagesToFile(int numOfEntries, java.lang.String path)
          Peek messages from client queue and dump them to a file, they are not removed.
 void ping()
          Force a async ping to re-check connection to server.
 void postSend(MsgQueueEntry[] entries)
          Called after a messages is send from the client side queue, but not for oneway messages.
 PublishReturnQos publish(MsgUnit msgUnit)
 PublishReturnQos[] publishArr(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)
 void publishOneway(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)
          Publish messages.
 PublishReturnQos[] publishStream(java.io.InputStream is, MsgKeyData keyData, MsgQosData qosData, int maxBufSize, I_ReplaceContent contentReplacer)
          Publishes one message in streaming manner, if the message content is too big to fit in one single chunk, the message is split in several smaller messages (called chunks) and these are published.
 MsgUnit[] receive(java.lang.String oid, int maxEntries, long timeout, boolean consumable)
          This method synchronously accesses maxEntries messages from any xmlBlaster server side queue.
 void refreshSession()
          Send an event to xmlBlaster to refresh the login session life time.
 void registerConnectionListener(I_ConnectionStateListener connectionListener)
          Register a listener to get events about connection status changes.
 I_PostSendListener registerPostSendListener(I_PostSendListener postSendListener)
          Register a listener to get notifications when a messages is successfully send from the client side tail back queue.
 MsgUnit[] request(MsgUnit msgUnit, long timeout, int maxEntries)
          Implements the blocking request/reply pattern.
 java.lang.String sendAdministrativeCommand(java.lang.String command)
          Convenience method to send an administrative command to xmlBlaster.
 boolean sendingFailed(MsgQueueEntry[] entries, XmlBlasterException exception)
          Called if an asynchronous message is rejected by the server.
 void setCallbackDispatcherActive(boolean activate)
          Switch callback dispatcher on/off.
 void setClientErrorHandler(I_MsgErrorHandler msgErrorHandler)
          Use a specific error handler instead of the default one.
 void setDispatcherActive(boolean dispatcherActive)
          Sets the DispachManager belonging to this session to active or inactive.
 void setServerNodeId(java.lang.String nodeId)
          Allows to set the node name for nicer logging.
 void setStorageIdStr(java.lang.String prefix)
          Allows to set a unique client side queue name (connection queue).
 void setUpdateListener(I_Callback updateListener)
          Register a listener to receive the callback messages.
 void setUserObject(java.lang.Object userObject)
          Can be freely used by client code to store an object and later retrieve it.
 SubscribeReturnQos subscribe(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos)
 SubscribeReturnQos subscribe(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos, I_Callback cb)
          Subscribe to messages.
 SubscribeReturnQos subscribe(SubscribeKey subscribeKey, SubscribeQos subscribeQos)
          Subscribe to messages.
 SubscribeReturnQos subscribe(SubscribeKey subscribeKey, SubscribeQos subscribeQos, I_Callback cb)
          This subscribe variant allows to specify a specialized callback for updated messages.
 void toAlive(I_DispatchManager dispatchManager, ConnectionStateEnum oldState)
          Call by DispatchManager on connection state transition.
 void toAliveSync(I_DispatchManager dispatchManager, ConnectionStateEnum oldState)
 void toDead(I_DispatchManager dispatchManager, ConnectionStateEnum oldState, XmlBlasterException xmlBlasterException)
          Call by DispatchManager on connection state transition.
 void toPolling(I_DispatchManager dispatchManager, ConnectionStateEnum oldState)
          Call by DispatchManager on connection state transition.
 java.lang.String toXml()
          Dump state of this object into a XML ASCII string.
 java.lang.String toXml(java.lang.String extraOffset)
          Dump state of this object into a XML ASCII string.
 UnSubscribeReturnQos[] unSubscribe(java.lang.String xmlKey, java.lang.String qos)
 UnSubscribeReturnQos[] unSubscribe(UnSubscribeKey unSubscribeKey, UnSubscribeQos unSubscribeQos)
          Cancel subscription.
 java.lang.String update(java.lang.String cbSessionId, UpdateKey updateKey, byte[] content, UpdateQos updateQos)
          This is the callback method invoked from xmlBlaster delivering us a new asynchronous message.
static java.lang.String usage(Global glob)
          Command line usage.
Methods inherited from class org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.AbstractCallbackExtended
update, update, updateOneway, updateOneway
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XmlBlasterAccess(Global glob)
Create an xmlBlaster accessor. Please don't create directly but use the factory instead:
   import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
   final Global glob = new Global(args);
   final I_XmlBlasterAccess xmlBlasterAccess = glob.getXmlBlasterAccess();

glob - Your environment handle or null to use the default Global.instance() You must use a cloned Global for each XmlBlasterAccess created. engine.Global is not allowed here, only util.Global is supported
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If engine.Global is used as parameter


public XmlBlasterAccess(java.lang.String[] args)
Create an xmlBlaster accessor. Please don't create directly but use the factory instead:
   final Global glob = new Global(args);
   final I_XmlBlasterAccess xmlBlasterAccess = glob.getXmlBlasterAccess();

args - Your command line arguments
Method Detail


public void registerConnectionListener(I_ConnectionStateListener connectionListener)
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Register a listener to get events about connection status changes.

Specified by:
registerConnectionListener in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
connectionListener - null or your listener implementation on connection state changes (ALIVE | POLLING | DEAD)
See Also:


public final I_PostSendListener registerPostSendListener(I_PostSendListener postSendListener)
Register a listener to get notifications when a messages is successfully send from the client side tail back queue. Max one can be registered, any old one will be overwritten

Specified by:
registerPostSendListener in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
postSendListener - The postSendListener to set.
the old listener or null if no previous was registered


public final void postSend(MsgQueueEntry[] entries)
Called after a messages is send from the client side queue, but not for oneway messages. Enforced by I_PostSendListener

Specified by:
postSend in interface I_PostSendListener
msgQueueEntry, - includes the returned QoS (e.g. PublisReturnQos)


public boolean sendingFailed(MsgQueueEntry[] entries,
                             XmlBlasterException exception)
Description copied from interface: I_PostSendListener
Called if an asynchronous message is rejected by the server.

If the server e.g. throws an IllegalArgument back to the client the message will most probably never succeed and retrying to send the message makes no sense. You can intercept this case here and eliminate the message.

ErrorCodes of type "communication.*" are not reported here as the dispatcher framework automatically handles reconnect and retry.

NOTE: For ErrorCodes of type "authentication.*" the connection will go to DEAD and the connection queue entries remain for pubSessionId>0. For pubSessionId<0 (none fail safe) the queue entries are removed (to be implemented TODO).

Specified by:
sendingFailed in interface I_PostSendListener
entries - Each MsgQueueEntry includes the returned QoS
exception - The cause
false: We have not handled this case and the dispatcher framework does its default handling. For the client it is just a notification. true: We have processed some error handling and the dispatch framework will remove the message from the queue and continue with sending the next message. This is for example done internally by cluster client plugins inside cluster nodes which will propagate the message to the error handler which emits a dead message. 1. true: Remove msg from queue 2. false: DispatcherActive false 3. toDead (remove all messages) -> you call disconnect() 4. ErrorCode.authenticate.* -> leaveServer() for pubSessionId>0 and call I_ConnectionStateListener.toDead else toDead (removes all queue entries)


public FileDumper getFileDumper()
                         throws XmlBlasterException


public SynchronousCache createSynchronousCache(int size)
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Setup the cache mode.

This installs a cache. When you call get(), a subscribe() is done in the background that we always have a current value in our client side cache. Further get() calls retrieve the value from the client cache.

Only the first call is used to setup the cache, following calls are ignored silently (and return the original handle)

Specified by:
createSynchronousCache in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
size - Size of the cache. This number specifies the count of subscriptions the cache can hold. It specifies NOT the number of messages.
The cache handle, usually of no interest
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.getCached(GetKey, GetQos), client.cache requirement


public void setClientErrorHandler(I_MsgErrorHandler msgErrorHandler)
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Use a specific error handler instead of the default one.

Specified by:
setClientErrorHandler in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
msgErrorHandler - Your implementation of the error handler.
See Also:


public java.lang.String getConnectionQueueId()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Access the unique id of my client side queue.

Specified by:
getConnectionQueueId in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
For example "connection:SUB17692784598"


public final ContextNode getContextNode()
The unique name of this session instance.

Never null, for example "/xmlBlaster/node/heron/client/joe/session/-2"


public boolean forcePollingForTesting()
Specified by:
forcePollingForTesting in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public ConnectReturnQos connect(ConnectQos qos,
                                I_StreamingCallback streamingUpdateListener,
                                boolean withQueue)
                         throws XmlBlasterException


public StorageId createStorageId(java.lang.String relating)
The storageId must remain the same after a client restart

relating - xbType like Constants.RELATING_CLIENT


public ConnectReturnQos connect(ConnectQos qos,
                                I_Callback updateListener)
                         throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Login to xmlBlaster.

Connecting with the default configuration (which checks xmlBlaster.properties and your command line arguments):

  import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
  I_XmlBlasterAccess xmlBlasterAccess = glob.getXmlBlasterAccess();
  xmlBlasterAccess.connect(null, null);

The default behavior is to poll automatically for the server if it is not found. As we have not specified a listener for returned messages from the server there is no callback server created.

This example shows how to configure different behavior:

  // Example how to configure fail safe settings
  ConnectQos connectQos = new ConnectQos(glob);

  Address address = new Address(glob);
  address.setDelay(4000L);      // retry connecting every 4 sec
  address.setRetries(-1);       // -1 == forever
  address.setPingInterval(0L);  // switched off
  addr.setType("SOCKET");       // don't use CORBA protocol, but use SOCKET instead


  CallbackAddress cbAddress = new CallbackAddress(glob);
  cbAddress.setDelay(4000L);      // retry connecting every 4 sec
  cbAddress.setRetries(-1);       // -1 == forever
  cbAddress.setPingInterval(4000L); // ping every 4 seconds

  xmlBlasterAccess.connect(connectQos, new I_Callback() {

     public String update(String cbSessionId, UpdateKey updateKey, byte[] content,
                          UpdateQos updateQos) {
        if (updateKey.isInternal()) {
           return "";
        if (updateQos.isErased()) {
           return "";
        log.info(ME, "Receiving asynchronous message '" + updateKey.getOid() +
                     "' state=" + updateQos.getState() + " in default handler");
        return "";

  });  // Login to xmlBlaster, default handler for updates;

Specified by:
connect in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
qos - Your configuration desire
updateListener - If not null a callback server will be created and callback messages will be routed to your updateListener.update() method.
Can only be null if '-dispatch/connection/doSendConnect false' was set
XmlBlasterException - only if connection state is DEAD, typically thrown on wrong configurations. You must call connect again with different settings.
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.connect(ConnectQos, I_Callback)


public boolean isConnected()
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Has the connect() method successfully passed?

Note that this contains no information about the current connection state of the protocol layer.

Specified by:
isConnected in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
true If the connection() method was invoked without exception
See Also:
I_ConnectionHandler.isAlive(), I_ConnectionHandler.isPolling(), I_ConnectionHandler.isDead()


public void refreshSession()
                    throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Send an event to xmlBlaster to refresh the login session life time.

Specified by:
refreshSession in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
Specified by:
refreshSession in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
XmlBlasterException - like ErrorCode.USER_NOT_CONNECTED and others
See Also:


public I_CallbackServer initCbServer(java.lang.String loginName,
                                     CallbackAddress callbackAddress)
                              throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Create a new instance of the desired protocol driver like CORBA or RMI driver using the plugin loader.

Note that the returned instance is of your control only, we don't cache it in any way, this method is only a helper hiding the plugin loading.

Specified by:
initCbServer in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
loginName - A nice name for logging purposes
callbackAddress - The callback address configuration, contains for example type like "IOR" or "RMI" and version of the driver, e.g. "1.0"
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.initCbServer(String, CallbackAddress)


public org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.I_ClientPlugin getSecurityPlugin()
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Access the client side security plugin.

Specified by:
getSecurityPlugin in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
Specified by:
getSecurityPlugin in class AbstractCallbackExtended
See Also:
security.introduction requirement, security.development.serverPlugin.howto requirement


public java.lang.String disconnect(java.lang.String disconnectQos)
Specified by:
disconnect in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
See Also:


public boolean disconnect(DisconnectQos disconnectQos)
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Logout from the server.

Behavior on client side:
Destroys pending tail back messages in the client queue and destroys low level connection and callback server. You can customize the behavior with disconnectQos.

Behavior on server side:
The server side session resources are destroyed, pending messages are deleted.

NOTE: If you want to keep all resources on server side for this login session but want to halt your client, shutdown the callback server with leaveServer(null) and throw the xmlBlasterAccess instance away. This is often the case if the client disappears and at a later point wants to reconnect. On server side the queue for this session remains alive and collects messages.

If '-dispatch/connection/doSendConnect false' was set call disconnect() nevertheless to cleanup client side resources.

Specified by:
disconnect in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
disconnectQos - Describe the desired behavior on disconnect
false if connect() wasn't called before or if you call disconnect() multiple times
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.disconnect(DisconnectQos), interface.disconnect requirement


public java.lang.String leaveServer()
Specified by:
leaveServer in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
See Also:


public void leaveServer(java.util.Map map)
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Leaves the connection to the server and cleans up the client side resources without making a server side disconnect. This way the client side persistent messages are kept in queue while transient ones are lost. If you want to delete also the persistent messages you have to do it manually.

As the login session on server side stays alive, all subscriptions stay valid and callback messages are queued by the server. If you connect at a later time the server sends us all queued messages.

Once you have called this method the I_XmlBlasterAccess becomes invalid and any further invocation results in an XmlBlasterException to be thrown.

Specified by:
leaveServer in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
map - The properties to pass while leaving server. Currently this argument has no effect. You can pass null as a parameter.
See Also:


public boolean isShutdown()
true if shutdown was called, typically by disconnect()


public I_CallbackServer getCbServer()
Access the callback server.

Specified by:
getCbServer in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
null if no callback server is established
See Also:
protocol requirement, I_XmlBlasterAccess.connect(ConnectQos, I_Callback)


public java.lang.String getId()
Create a descriptive ME, for logging only

Specified by:
getId in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
Specified by:
getId in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
e.g. "/node/heron/client/joe/3" or "UNKNOWN_SESSION" if connect() was not successful


public java.lang.String getLogId()
Useful as a logging prefix.

For example "client/TheDesperate/-6: "


public SessionName getSessionName()
The public session ID of this login session.

Specified by:
getSessionName in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
null if not known
See Also:
client.failsafe requirement


public java.lang.String getStorageIdStr()
Specified by:
getStorageIdStr in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
See Also:


public void setStorageIdStr(java.lang.String prefix)
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Allows to set a unique client side queue name (connection queue). Useful only if you code connects to multiple servers with the same login name. Use with very caution to be unique in complete database!

Specified by:
setStorageIdStr in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
prefix - For example "toserver1"+sessionName.getRelativeName()
See Also:


public void setServerNodeId(java.lang.String nodeId)
Allows to set the node name for nicer logging. Typically used by cluster clients and not by ordinary clients

Specified by:
setServerNodeId in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
serverNodeId - For example "/node/heron/instanceId/1233435" or "/node/heron"


public java.lang.String getServerNodeId()
The cluster node id (name) to which we want to connect.

Needed for client queue storage identifier. see: setStorageIdStr()

for nicer logging when running in a cluster.
Is configurable with "-server.node.id golan" until a successful connect

Specified by:
getServerNodeId in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
Specified by:
getServerNodeId in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
e.g. "/node/golan" or /xmlBlaster/node/heron"


public SubscribeReturnQos subscribe(java.lang.String xmlKey,
                                    java.lang.String qos)
                             throws XmlBlasterException
Specified by:
subscribe in interface I_XmlBlaster
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.subscribe(SubscribeKey, SubscribeQos)


public SubscribeReturnQos subscribe(SubscribeKey subscribeKey,
                                    SubscribeQos subscribeQos)
                             throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Subscribe to messages.

The messages are delivered asynchronous with the update() method.

Specified by:
subscribe in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
subscribeKey - Which message topics to retrieve
subscribeQos - Control the behavior and further filter messages with mime based filter plugins
Is never null
XmlBlasterException - like ErrorCode.USER_NOT_CONNECTED and others
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.subscribe(SubscribeKey, SubscribeQos)


public SubscribeReturnQos subscribe(java.lang.String xmlKey,
                                    java.lang.String qos,
                                    I_Callback cb)
                             throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Subscribe to messages.

Specified by:
subscribe in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
xmlKey - Which message topics to retrieve
qos - Control the behavior and further filter messages with mime based filter plugins
is never null
XmlBlasterException - like ErrorCode.USER_NOT_CONNECTED and others
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.subscribe(SubscribeKey, SubscribeQos, I_Callback)


public SubscribeReturnQos subscribe(SubscribeKey subscribeKey,
                                    SubscribeQos subscribeQos,
                                    I_Callback cb)
                             throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
This subscribe variant allows to specify a specialized callback for updated messages.

This way you can implement for every subscription a specific callback, so you don't need to dispatch updates when they are received in only one central update method.


   XmlBlasterAccess con = ...   // login etc.
   SubscribeKey key = new SubscribeKey(glob, "//stock", "XPATH");
   SubscribeQos qos = new SubscribeQos(glob);
   try {
      con.subscribe(key, qos, new I_Callback() {
            public String update(String name, UpdateKey updateKey, byte[] content, UpdateQos updateQos) {
               System.out.println("Receiving message for '//stock' subscription ...");
               return "";
   } catch(XmlBlasterException e) {

NOTE: You need to pass a callback handle on login as well (even if you never use it). It allows to setup the callback server and is the default callback deliver channel for PtP messages.

NOTE: On logout we automatically unSubscribe() this subscription if not done before.

Specified by:
subscribe in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
cb - Your callback handling implementation
SubscribeReturnQos with the unique subscriptionId
If you subscribed using a query, the subscription ID of this
query handling object (SubscriptionInfo.getUniqueKey()) is returned.
You should use this ID if you wish to unSubscribe() Is never null
XmlBlasterException - like ErrorCode.USER_NOT_CONNECTED and others
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.subscribe(SubscribeKey, SubscribeQos, I_Callback)


public MsgUnit[] get(java.lang.String xmlKey,
                     java.lang.String qos)
              throws XmlBlasterException
Specified by:
get in interface I_XmlBlaster
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.get(GetKey, GetQos)


public MsgUnit[] getCached(GetKey getKey,
                           GetQos getQos)
                    throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Access synchronously messages. They are on first request subscribed and cached on client side.

A typical use case is a servlet which receives many HTML requests and usually the message has not changed. This way we avoid asking xmlBlaster every time for the information but take it directly from the cache.

The cache is always up to date as it has subscribed on this topic

You need to call createSynchronousCache() before using getCached().

NOTE: Passing two similar getKey but with different getQos filters is currently not supported.

NOTE: GetKey requests with EXACT oid are automatically removed from cache when the topic with this oid is erased. XPATH queries are removed from cache when the last topic oid which matched the XPATH disappears.

Specified by:
getCached in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
getKey - Which message topics to retrieve
getQos - Control the behavior and further filter messages with mime based filter plugins
An array of messages, the sequence is arbitrary, never null
XmlBlasterException - if createSynchronousCache() was not used to establish a cache first
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.getCached(GetKey, GetQos)


public MsgUnit[] get(GetKey getKey,
                     GetQos getQos)
              throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Get synchronous messages.

Specified by:
get in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
getKey - Which message topics to retrieve
getQos - Control the behavior and further filter messages with mime based filter plugins
never null
XmlBlasterException - like ErrorCode.USER_NOT_CONNECTED and others
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.get(GetKey, GetQos)


public UnSubscribeReturnQos[] unSubscribe(UnSubscribeKey unSubscribeKey,
                                          UnSubscribeQos unSubscribeQos)
                                   throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Cancel subscription.

Specified by:
unSubscribe in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
unSubscribeKey - Which messages to cancel
unSubscribeQos - Control the behavior
The status of the unSubscribe request, is never null
XmlBlasterException - like ErrorCode.USER_NOT_CONNECTED and others
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.unSubscribe(UnSubscribeKey, UnSubscribeQos)


public UnSubscribeReturnQos[] unSubscribe(java.lang.String xmlKey,
                                          java.lang.String qos)
                                   throws XmlBlasterException
Specified by:
unSubscribe in interface I_XmlBlaster
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.unSubscribe(UnSubscribeKey, UnSubscribeQos)


public PublishReturnQos publish(MsgUnit msgUnit)
                         throws XmlBlasterException
Specified by:
publish in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
Specified by:
publish in interface I_XmlBlaster
See Also:


public void publishOneway(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)
                   throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Publish messages.

Specified by:
publishOneway in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
Specified by:
publishOneway in interface I_XmlBlaster
msgUnitArr - The messages to send to the server
XmlBlasterException - like ErrorCode.USER_NOT_CONNECTED and others
See Also:


public PublishReturnQos[] publishArr(MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr)
                              throws XmlBlasterException
Specified by:
publishArr in interface I_XmlBlaster


public EraseReturnQos[] erase(EraseKey eraseKey,
                              EraseQos eraseQos)
                       throws XmlBlasterException
Specified by:
erase in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
eraseKey - The topics to erase
eraseQos - Control the erase behavior
The status of the erase request, is never null
XmlBlasterException - like ErrorCode.USER_NOT_CONNECTED and others
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.erase(EraseKey, EraseQos)


public EraseReturnQos[] erase(java.lang.String xmlKey,
                              java.lang.String qos)
                       throws XmlBlasterException
Specified by:
erase in interface I_XmlBlaster
See Also:
I_XmlBlasterAccess.erase(EraseKey, EraseQos)


public void lostConnection(XmlBlasterException xmlBlasterException)
For example called by SOCKET layer (SocketCallbackImpl.java) on EOF. Does immediate ping to go to polling mode

Specified by:
lostConnection in interface I_CallbackExtended
xmlBlasterException -
See Also:


public void ping()
Force a async ping to re-check connection to server. Status change can be got asynchronously via registerConnectionListener()

Specified by:
ping in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess


public java.lang.String update(java.lang.String cbSessionId,
                               UpdateKey updateKey,
                               byte[] content,
                               UpdateQos updateQos)
                        throws XmlBlasterException
This is the callback method invoked from xmlBlaster delivering us a new asynchronous message.

Specified by:
update in interface I_Callback
Specified by:
update in class AbstractCallbackExtended
cbSessionId - The session ID specified by the client which registered the callback
updateKey - The arrived key (as an xml-string)
content - The arrived message content
updateQos - Quality of Service of the MsgUnitRaw as an xml-string
See Also:
I_Callback.update(String, UpdateKey, byte[], UpdateQos)


public void toAlive(I_DispatchManager dispatchManager,
                    ConnectionStateEnum oldState)
Call by DispatchManager on connection state transition.

Enforced by interface I_ConnectionStatusListener

Specified by:
toAlive in interface I_ConnectionStatusListener


public void toAliveSync(I_DispatchManager dispatchManager,
                        ConnectionStateEnum oldState)
Specified by:
toAliveSync in interface I_ConnectionStatusListener


public void toPolling(I_DispatchManager dispatchManager,
                      ConnectionStateEnum oldState)
Call by DispatchManager on connection state transition.

Enforced by interface I_ConnectionStatusListener

Specified by:
toPolling in interface I_ConnectionStatusListener


public XmlBlasterException getToDeadXmlBlasterException()
Workaround to transport the reason for the toDead() transition as the interface {@link I_ConnectionStateListener#reachedDead(ConnectionStateEnum, I_XmlBlasterAccess) is missing to pass the exception to the client.

Currently the client needs a downcast to XmlBlasterAccess (not in I_XmlBlasterAccess)

Can be null


public void toDead(I_DispatchManager dispatchManager,
                   ConnectionStateEnum oldState,
                   XmlBlasterException xmlBlasterException)
Call by DispatchManager on connection state transition.

Enforced by interface I_ConnectionStatusListener

Specified by:
toDead in interface I_ConnectionStatusListener
xmlBlasterException - Can be null


public Global getGlobal()
Access the environment settings of this connection.

Enforced by interface I_XmlBlasterAccess

Specified by:
getGlobal in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
The global handle (like a stack with local variables for this connection)


public I_Queue getQueue()

Enforced by interface I_ConnectionHandler

Specified by:
getQueue in interface I_ConnectionHandler
The queue used to store tailback messages.


public ConnectionStateEnum getState()

Enforced by interface I_ConnectionHandler

Specified by:
getState in interface I_ConnectionHandler
The current state of the connection


public java.lang.String getConnectionState()
Get the connection state. String version for JMX access.

Specified by:
getConnectionState in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public boolean isAlive()

Enforced by interface I_ConnectionHandler

Specified by:
isAlive in interface I_ConnectionHandler
true if the connection to xmlBlaster is operational


public boolean isPolling()

Enforced by interface I_ConnectionHandler

Specified by:
isPolling in interface I_ConnectionHandler
true if we are polling for the server


public boolean isDead()

Enforced by interface I_ConnectionHandler

Specified by:
isDead in interface I_ConnectionHandler
true if we have definitely lost the connection to xmlBlaster and gave up


public ConnectReturnQos getConnectReturnQos()
Access the returned QoS of a connect() call.

Enforced by interface I_XmlBlasterAccess

Specified by:
getConnectReturnQos in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
Can be null if not connected


public ConnectQos getConnectQos()
Access the current ConnectQos

Enforced by interface I_XmlBlasterAccess

Specified by:
getConnectQos in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
Can be null if not connected


public final DispatchStatistic getDispatchStatistic()
Description copied from class: AbstractCallbackExtended
Access the statistic holder. Implementing classes should provide a valid statistic handle.

getDispatchStatistic in class AbstractCallbackExtended
null if no callback is configured


public final java.lang.String getLoginName()
Access the login name.

Specified by:
getLoginName in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
your login name or null if you are not logged in


public final boolean isCallbackConfigured()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Check if a callback was configured, if client has passed a callback address on connect.

Specified by:
isCallbackConfigured in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
true if a callback is configured


public final long getUptime()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Uptime in seconds

Specified by:
getUptime in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public final java.lang.String getLoginDate()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Get date when client logged in.

Specified by:
getLoginDate in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
For example "2005-07-25 12:34:16.79"


public final long getPublicSessionId()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Get the sessions public session id.

Specified by:
getPublicSessionId in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
For example -1


public final long getNumPublish()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
How many messages where send by this clients login session

Specified by:
getNumPublish in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public final long getNumSubscribe()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
How many subscribe requests where send by this clients login session

Specified by:
getNumSubscribe in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public final long getNumUnSubscribe()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
How many unsubscribe requests where send by this clients login session

Specified by:
getNumUnSubscribe in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public final long getNumGet()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
How many get requests where send by this clients login session

Specified by:
getNumGet in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public final long getNumErase()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
How many subscribe requests where send by this clients login session

Specified by:
getNumErase in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public final long getNumUpdateOneway()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
How many oneway messages where received by this clients login session

Specified by:
getNumUpdateOneway in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public final long getNumUpdate()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
How many messages where received by this clients login session

Specified by:
getNumUpdate in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public final long getConnectionQueueNumMsgs()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
How many messages are in this client side queue

Specified by:
getConnectionQueueNumMsgs in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public final long getConnectionQueueMaxMsgs()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
How many messages are max. allowed in this client side queue

Specified by:
getConnectionQueueMaxMsgs in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean


public final long getPingRoundTripDelay()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Measures the round trip for the last ping() invocation in milli seconds.

Specified by:
getPingRoundTripDelay in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Returns the pingRoundTripDelay.


public final long getRoundTripDelay()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Measures the round trip for the last remote method invocation in milli seconds. For example update(), publish(), subscribe()

Specified by:
getRoundTripDelay in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Returns the roundTripDelay.


public java.lang.String invokePublish(java.lang.String key,
                                      java.lang.String content,
                                      java.lang.String qos)
                               throws java.lang.Exception

Specified by:
invokePublish in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
key - The publish key (e.g. <key oid="Hello"><South/></key>)
qos - The qos XML string (e.g. "" or "<qos><persistent/></qos>")
The status string


public java.lang.String[] invokeUnSubscribe(java.lang.String url,
                                            java.lang.String qos)
                                     throws java.lang.Exception

Specified by:
invokeUnSubscribe in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
url - The topic oid/xpath to unSubscribe (e.g. "Hello" or "xpath://key")
qos - The qos XML string (e.g. "" or "")
The status string


public java.lang.String invokeSubscribe(java.lang.String url,
                                        java.lang.String qos)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception

Specified by:
invokeSubscribe in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
url - The topic oid/xpath to subscribe (e.g. "Hello" or "xpath://key")
qos - The qos XML string (e.g. "" or "")
The status string


public java.lang.String[] invokeGet(java.lang.String url,
                                    java.lang.String qos)
                             throws java.lang.Exception

Specified by:
invokeGet in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
url - The topic oid/xpath to retrieve (e.g. "Hello" or "xpath://key")
qos - The qos XML string (e.g. "" or "")
The status string


public java.lang.String[] invokeErase(java.lang.String url,
                                      java.lang.String qos)
                               throws java.lang.Exception

Specified by:
invokeErase in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
url - The topic oid/xpath to erase (e.g. "Hello" or "xpath://key")
qos - The qos XML string (e.g. "" or "")
The status string


public void setDispatcherActive(boolean dispatcherActive)
Sets the DispachManager belonging to this session to active or inactive. It is initially active. Setting it to false temporarly inhibits dispatch of messages which are in the callback queue. Setting it to true starts the dispatch again.

Specified by:
setDispatcherActive in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
dispatchActive -


public boolean getDispatcherActive()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Access the dispatcher state.

Specified by:
getDispatcherActive in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
true if the dispatcher is currently able to dispatch asyncronously


public void setCallbackDispatcherActive(boolean activate)
                                 throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Switch callback dispatcher on/off. This is a convenience function (see ConnectQos). It will update the client side ConnectQos as well so we don't loose the setting on reconnects after server maintenance.

Specified by:
setCallbackDispatcherActive in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
activate - true: XmlBlaster server delivers callback messages false: XmlBlaster server keeps messages for this client in the callback queue


public boolean isCallbackDispatcherActive()
                                   throws XmlBlasterException


public java.lang.String sendAdministrativeCommand(java.lang.String command)
                                           throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Convenience method to send an administrative command to xmlBlaster. If the command contains a '=' it is interpreted as a set() call, else it is used as a get() call.

Specified by:
sendAdministrativeCommand in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
command - for example "client/joe/?dispatcherActive" (a getter) or "client/joe/?dispatcherActive=false" (a setter). The "__cmd:" is added by us To enforce a getter or setter you can write "get client/joe/?dispatcherActive" or "set client/joe/?dispatcherActive=false"
When setting a value you get the returned state, else the retrieved data
XmlBlasterException - on problems


public java.lang.String[] peekClientMessages(int numOfEntries)
                                      throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Peek messages from client queue, they are not removed

Specified by:
peekClientMessages in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
numOfEntries - The number of messages to peek, taken from the front
The dump of the messages


public java.lang.String[] peekClientMessagesToFile(int numOfEntries,
                                                   java.lang.String path)
                                            throws java.lang.Exception
Peek messages from client queue and dump them to a file, they are not removed.

Specified by:
peekClientMessagesToFile in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
numOfEntries - The number of messages to peek, taken from the front
path - The path to dump the messages to, it is automatically created if missing.
The file names of the dumped messages


public static java.lang.String usage(Global glob)
Command line usage.


public static java.lang.String getPluginUsage(java.lang.String clazzName)
Access plugin specific usage()

if plugin is not in CLASSPATH return empty string


public final java.lang.String toXml()
Dump state of this object into a XML ASCII string.

Specified by:
toXml in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
internal state of SubjectInfo as a XML ASCII string


public final java.lang.String toXml(java.lang.String extraOffset)
Dump state of this object into a XML ASCII string.

extraOffset - indenting of tags for nice output
internal state of SubjectInfo as a XML ASCII string


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
For testing invoke: java org.xmlBlaster.client.XmlBlasterAccess


public I_Callback getUpdateListener()
The implementation which receives the callback messages.

Returns the updateListener or null if none was registered


public void setUpdateListener(I_Callback updateListener)
Register a listener to receive the callback messages.
Note: Usually you don't need to call this method directly as you should pass your callback listener with connect().

updateListener - The updateListener to set.


public java.lang.String getVersion()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Get the xmlBlaster client library version number.

Specified by:
getVersion in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
For example "1.0.4"


public java.lang.String getRevisionNumber()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Returns the xmlBlaster client library SVN version control revision number.

Specified by:
getRevisionNumber in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
The subversion revision number of the monitored instance, for example "13593"


public java.lang.String getBuildTimestamp()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
Returns the date when xmlBlaster client library was compiled.

Specified by:
getBuildTimestamp in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
For example "07/28/2005 03:47 PM"


public java.lang.String getBuildJavaVendor()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
The java vendor of the compiler.

Specified by:
getBuildJavaVendor in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
For example "Sun Microsystems Inc."


public java.lang.String getBuildJavaVersion()
Description copied from interface: XmlBlasterAccessMBean
The compiler java version.

Specified by:
getBuildJavaVersion in interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean
For example "1.5.0"


public PublishReturnQos createTemporaryTopic(TopicProperty topicProperty)
                                      throws XmlBlasterException
Create a temporay topic. You need to erase it yourself when not needed anymore

topicProperty - Can be null (the default is no DOM entry)
The details about the created, temporary topic


public PublishReturnQos createTemporaryTopic(long destroyDelay,
                                             int historyMaxMsg)
                                      throws XmlBlasterException


public PublishReturnQos createTemporaryTopic(java.lang.String uniqueTopicId,
                                             long destroyDelay,
                                             int historyMaxMsg)
                                      throws XmlBlasterException
uniqueTopicId - Usually null, can be used to force a topicId. e.g. topicIdPrefix="device.joe.request" -> the topic is something like "device.joe.request135823058558"
destroyDelay -
historyMaxMsg -


public MsgUnit[] request(MsgUnit msgUnit,
                         long timeout,
                         int maxEntries)
                  throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Implements the blocking request/reply pattern.

The msgUnit should contain a PublishQos which routes the request to the desired client, for example sending it to client joe and its login session 1 or sending it to a topic which was subscribed by the destination client:

 import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.Destination;
 import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos;
  Global glob = ...;
  PublishQos pq = new PublishQos(glob);
  Destination dest = new Destination(glob, new SessionName(glob, "joe/1"));

This receiver needs to send the response to the topic oid as passed with the client property "__jms:JMSReplyTo":

  String tempTopicOid = updateQos.getClientProperty(Constants.JMS_REPLY_TO, "");
  // Send reply back ...
  PublishKey pk = new PublishKey(glob, tempTopicOid);

This approach is similar to the JMS approach for request/reply (TopicRequestor.java) but we have the choice to send the msgUnit directly to another client or to a topic (as JMS), and we can handle multiple replies for one request.

The feature is implemented on client side with a temporary response topic and a receive() call. The temporary response topic is erased after the response has arrived.
You can optionally add a clientProperty "__responseTopicIdPrefix", this topicId is used as a prefix for the temporary response topicId. the given prefix must be unique between clients. This is thread safe. A use case could be to simplify detecting the topic for an authorizer plugin.
You can optionally add a clientProperty "__responseTopicId" with a unique topicId to avoid the creation of temporary response topics, note that this feature is NOT thread safe, the client may only send one request() at a time. The response topic will live for one day after last usage. A reason to do so could be the better performance (avoid short living temporary response topics).

Please note the timeout limitation as described at I_XmlBlasterAccess.receive(String, int, long, boolean))

Specified by:
request in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
msgUnit - The request to send. The topicId may be any you wish for the receiver to recognize. If the receiver has not subsribed on this topicId you need to send it PtP (add the Destination client).
timeout - The milliseconds to block, 0 is none blocking, -1 blocks forever
maxEntries - The maximum number of entries to deliver or return with less after timeout
The response messages, typically one, never null, has 0 entries on timeout
See Also:


public MsgUnit[] receive(java.lang.String oid,
                         int maxEntries,
                         long timeout,
                         boolean consumable)
                  throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
This method synchronously accesses maxEntries messages from any xmlBlaster server side queue.

This is a convenience method which uses get() with a specific Qos.

Important note:
Currently you shouldn't use unlimited timeout==-1 as this could lead to a server side thread leak on client disconnect. As a workaround please use a loop and a timeout of for example 60000 and just ignore returned arrays of length 0.

Specified by:
receive in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
oid - The identifier like "topic/hello" to access a history queue, "client/joe" to access a subject queue or "client/joe/session/1" to access a callback queue. The string must follow the formatting rule of ContextNode.java
maxEntries - The maximum number of entries to retrieve
timeout - The time to wait until return. If you choose a negative value it will block until the maxEntries has been reached. If the value is '0' (i.e. zero) it will not wait and will correspond to a non-blocking get. If the value is positive it will block until the specified amount in milliseconds has elapsed or when the maxEntries has been reached (whichever comes first).
consumable - Expressed with 'true' or 'false'. If true the entries returned are deleted from the queue
An array of messages, is never null but may be an array of length=0 if no message is delivered
See Also:
ContextNode, engine.qos.queryspec.QueueQuery requirement, MessageConsumer.receive()


public PublishReturnQos[] publishStream(java.io.InputStream is,
                                        MsgKeyData keyData,
                                        MsgQosData qosData,
                                        int maxBufSize,
                                        I_ReplaceContent contentReplacer)
                                 throws XmlBlasterException
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Publishes one message in streaming manner, if the message content is too big to fit in one single chunk, the message is split in several smaller messages (called chunks) and these are published. During the publishing of these messages, the method blocks.

Specified by:
publishStream in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
is - The input stream from which to read the input data.
keyData - The key for the message (same for all chunks)
qosData - The qos for all messages (same for all chunks besides internal stuff added in this method)
maxBufSize - The maximum content size of each chunk.
contentReplacer - an optional content replacer (i.e. a modifier of the content) can be null.
an array containing the return qos. Currently an array of length 1 is returned containing the return qos for the first message.


public java.lang.Object getUserObject()
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Can be freely used by client code to store an object and later retrieve it.

Specified by:
getUserObject in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
the object from setUserObject or null


public void setUserObject(java.lang.Object userObject)
Description copied from interface: I_XmlBlasterAccess
Can be freely used by client code to store an object and later retrieve it.

Specified by:
setUserObject in interface I_XmlBlasterAccess
userObject - any user object

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 client API

Copyright © 1999-2014 The xmlBlaster.org contributers.