Howto start the xmlBlaster server: ================================== 1. and is used to invoke the xmlBlaster server: java org.xmlBlaster.Main This example switches on some debugging on the console: java org.xmlBlaster.Main -trace true -dump true -calls true -time true Optionally you can also start the server with java org.xmlBlaster.MainGUI which pops up a control panel with query interface and performance/logging display This example redirects the logging output to a file: java org.xmlBlaster.Main -logFile /tmp/xmlBlaster.log and finally, this example just displays the usage: java org.xmlBlaster.Main -? or start... java org.xmlBlaster.Main -bootstrapPort 3412 java org.xmlBlaster.Main -plugin/ior/iorFile /tmp/XmlBlaster_Ref 2. xmlBlaster/demo/javaclients/ may be used as a first test client: java javaclients.ClientSub -trace true