File: xmlBlaster/doc/jdbc/admin.txt Comment: New Database schema for xmlBlaster Date: 2008-11-16 Note 1: durable='F' means 'F' == False: transient, swapped messages ('T' means True = persistent messages) Note 2: All I_MAP entries (xbtype='topicStore', 'session', 'subscribe') have a one-to-one relation for xbref/xbmeat except the 'msgUnitStore'. The reference counter queue like 'history' 'subject' 'callback' have a 'xbref' many-to-one relation to 'msgUnitStore'. Note 3: The rules apply if xbstore/xbref/xbmeat are running in same database This covers also if QueuePlugin and StoragePlugin are one RAM and the other JDBC Note 4: In cluster environment you have to set where condition xbnode='heron' (your node you work on) Note 5: Many cluster nodes may coexist in same database Rule 1: If xmlBlaster node is stopped: No transient swapped messages You should delete all xbref.xbdurable='F' or xbmeat.xbdurable='F' of this node delete from xbref where xbdurable='F'; delete from xbmeat where xbdurable='F'; Rule 2: xmlBlaster running or stopped: All xbmeat with xbmeat.xbdurable='T' which have NO xbref can be deleted (for this node) delete from xbmeat where xbmeatid in (select xbmeat.xbmeatid from xbref right outer join xbmeat on (xbmeat.xbmeatid=xbref.xbmeatid) where xbrefid is null AND xbmeat.xbdurable='T'); Rule 3: xmlBlaster running or stopped: All xbref with xbref.xbdurable='T' which have NO xbmeat can be deleted (for this node) delete from xbref where xbrefid in (select xbref.xbrefid from xbref left outer join xbmeat on (xbmeat.xbmeatid=xbref.xbmeatid) where xbmeat.xbmeatid is null AND xbref.xbdurable='T'); Rule 4: No xbref and No xbmeat can exist without xbstore (which is checked by DB constraint) Rule 5: If xmlBlaster node is stopped: No xbstore shall exist without xbref or xbmeat (for the stopped node) Rule 6: If xmlBlaster node is stopped: No login session with negative pubSessionId TODO: How to query xbpostfix like 'client_%-' Optional index you can add: ?? alter table xbref add constraint fkxbmeatref foreign key (xbmeatid, xbstoreid) references xbmeat; create index IX_MEAT_DURABLE ON XBMEAT (xbdurable); create index IX_REF_DURABLE ON XBREF (xbdurable); create index IX_REF_PRIO ON XBREF (xbprio); drop index IX_MEAT_DURABLE ON XBMEAT; drop index IX_REF_DURABLE ON XBREF; drop index IX_REF_PRIO ON XBREF; -- Count number of meat which have at least one reference select count(*) from (select distinct xbmeat.xbmeatid from xbref left outer join xbmeat on (xbref.xbmeatid=xbmeat.xbmeatid)) as foo; -- Artificially create some leaks: delete from xbref where xbmeatid in (1226442353154000000, 1226442352435000000, 1226425291898000000); -- Find leaks of meat (do not delete on running xmlBlaster as it would destroy swapped entries!) select count(*) from xbref right outer join xbmeat on (xbmeat.xbmeatid=xbref.xbmeatid) where xbrefid is null; select xbmeat.xbmeatid from xbref right outer join xbmeat on (xbmeat.xbmeatid=xbref.xbmeatid) where xbrefid is null; -- Find leaks of durable meat with running xmlBlaster select count(*) from xbref right outer join xbmeat on (xbmeat.xbmeatid=xbref.xbmeatid) where xbrefid is null AND xbmeat.xbdurable='T'; -- Find session entries and showing the QoS select s.xbstoreid, s.xbtype, m.xbmeatid, m.xbmsgqos from xbstore s left outer join xbmeat m on s.xbstoreid=m.xbstoreid where s.xbtype='session'; -- Show connection queue entries of user publisher/1 select s.xbstoreid, s.xbtype, m.xbmeatid, m.xbdatatype from xbstore s left outer join xbmeat m on s.xbstoreid=m.xbstoreid where s.xbtype='connection' and s.xbpostfix='client/publisher/1'; -- Show callback queue entries of user publisher/1 select s.xbstoreid, s.xbtype, r.xbmeatid, r.xbmethodname from xbstore s left outer join xbref r on s.xbstoreid=r.xbstoreid where s.xbtype='callback' and s.xbpostfix='client/joe/1'; select s.xbstoreid, s.xbtype, m.xbmeatid, m.xbdatatype from xbstore s left outer join xbmeat m on s.xbstoreid=m.xbstoreid where s.xbtype='callback' and s.xbpostfix='client/publisher/1'; -- Find meat which contains a topicId select xbstoreid, xbmeatid, xbmsgkey from xbmeat where xbmsgkey like '%Hello%' -- Consistency check number of: All must result 0 or max 1 select count(*) from xbstore where xbtype='session'; select count(*) from xbstore where xbtype='subscribe'; select count(*) from xbstore where xbtype='topicStore';