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XmlBlaster Logo

Type NEW
Priority LOW
Topic You can automatically generate an xmlBlaster server distribution for easy deployment

When you have coded your application the time comes where you want to deploy an xmlBlaster server instance to the destination hardware. This task can be done automatically with ant (build.xml).


Lets build a distribution (on UNIX with the shell script 'build', on Windows with 'build.bat'):

cd xmlBlaster

build  dist

The result is:




The above jar file you can use directly to start xmlBlaster:

/opt/jdk/bin/java   -jar  xmlBlasterDist.jar

The zip file contains the above jar file with some additional files:





You can choose to use the jar file or to use the zip file, whatever suits your needs better.

Now one problem remains, how can you customize the included jar file and probably using an own property file. Imagine you only want to use the CORBA driver and customize the MoM behavior to your needs:


build -DADD_EMAIL=false -DADD_XMLRPC=false -DADD_PROP=my.properties  dist

This won't add EMAIL and XMLRPC support to the distribution and will package your my.properties configuration file into xmlBlasterDist.jar instead of the default xmlBlaster.properties

Here is a sample my.properties:

# We use the CORBA protocol driver only:

# We allow a user to login up to one hundred times

The nice thing is you can cascade your property files:

java org.xmlBlaster.Main  -propertyFile mySecond.properties

Now my.properties is read first as you packaged it into the distribution jar file (see above), than your command line property file mySecond.properties is read next. The command line property file entries have precedence over the property file in the distribution jar file.

And now a typical UNIX shell script starting xmlBlaster (all in one line):

java -Xms12M -Xmx128M -jar lib/xmlBlasterDist.jar
      -admin.remoteconsole.port 0
      -logFile /tmp/xmlBlaster.log
      -plugin/xmlrpc/port 8081
      -useKeyboard false  > /tmp/xmlBlaster.log 2>&1 &

echo "xmlBlaster started, see tail -n 100 -f /tmp/xmlBlaster.log"
sleep 5
Property Default / Example Description Implemented
DIST_PATH local directory Choose a PATH where to put the distribution files xmlBlasterDist.jar and xmlBlasterDist-0.79e.zip yes
ADD_EMAIL true Switch on/off email protocol driver support. If set to true, it copies the email supporting jar files as well. yes
ADD_CORBA true Switch on/off corba support. If set to true, it copies the IIOP supporting jar files as well. yes
ADD_XMLRPC true Switch on/off XMLRPC support. If set to true, it copies the XMLRPC supporting jar files as well. yes
ADD_J2EE false Switch on/off J2EE/JMS bean support. If set to true, it copies the EJB/J2EE supporting jar files as well.
Note: This feature only supports JBOSS with version smaller 2.0
ADD_JMXTOOLS false Switch on JMX HTMLAdaptor support. If set to true, it copies the jmxtools.jar as well, see http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/admin.jmx.html#htmladaptor yes
ADD_PROP default We use the default xmlBlaster.properties. It is possible to use an own customized property file like: -DADD_PROP=/home/heidi/my.properties yes
ADD_POLICY default Allows to use a customized RMI security setting. This is only of interest if your clients RMI to communicate to xmlBlaster. We use the default xmlBlaster.policy file which has switched off all security checks. It is possible to use an own customized policy file like: -DADD_PROP=/home/heidi/my.policy yes
ADD_DIRECTORY false You can add your own class files to be added to xmlBlasterDist.jar. Typically this would be plugins you have written. Note that you can deploy such classes separate in your own jar file as well. Example: -DADD_PROP=/home/heidi/myproject/classes
This assumes that your Java classes (top of the package) are in the given directory.

NOTE: Configuration parameters are specified on command line (-someValue 17) or in the xmlBlaster.properties file (someValue=17). See requirement "util.property" for details.
Columns named Impl tells you if the feature is implemented.
Columns named Hot tells you if the configuration is changeable in hot operation.


This page is generated from the requirement XML file xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/admin.deploy.xml

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