1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2 Name:      XmlBlasterAccessMBean.java
  3 Project:   xmlBlaster.org
  4 Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
  5 See:       http://java.sun.com/products/JavaManagement/best-practices.html
  6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  7 package org.xmlBlaster.client;
  9 import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
 11 /**
 12  * Export methods for JMX to monitor and control the java client connection. 
 13  */
 14 public interface XmlBlasterAccessMBean {
 15    /**
 16     * A unique name for this client, for logging only
 17     * @return e.g. "/node/heron/client/joe/3"
 18     */
 19    String getId();
 21    /**
 22     * Get the login name.
 23     * @return For example "joe"
 24     */
 25    public String getLoginName();
 27    /**
 28     * Check if a callback was configured, if client has passed a callback address on connect.
 29     * @return true if a callback is configured
 30     */
 31    public boolean isCallbackConfigured();
 33    /**
 34     * Get the connection state. 
 35     * @return "UNDEF", "ALIVE", "POLLING", "DEAD"
 36     */
 37    public String getConnectionState();
 39    /**
 40     * Get the sessions public session id.
 41     * @return For example -1
 42     */
 43    public long getPublicSessionId();
 45    /**
 46     * Access the unique id of my client side queue. 
 47     * @return For example "connection:SUB17692784598"
 48     */
 49    public String getConnectionQueueId();
 51    /**
 52     * Get date when client logged in.
 53     * @return For example "2005-07-25 12:34:16.79"
 54     */
 55    public String getLoginDate();
 57    /**
 58     * Send an event to xmlBlaster to refresh the login session life time.
 59     * @see <a href="http://www.xmlblaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/engine.qos.login.session.html">session requirement</a>
 60     * @throws XmlBlasterException like ErrorCode.USER_NOT_CONNECTED and others
 61     */
 62    public void refreshSession() throws XmlBlasterException;
 64    /** Uptime in seconds */
 65    public long getUptime();
 67    /** How many messages where send by this clients login session */
 68    public long getNumPublish();
 69    /** How many subscribe requests where send by this clients login session */
 70    public long getNumSubscribe();
 71    /** How many unsubscribe requests where send by this clients login session */
 72    public long getNumUnSubscribe();
 73    /** How many get requests where send by this clients login session */
 74    public long getNumGet();
 75    /** How many subscribe requests where send by this clients login session */
 76    public long getNumErase();
 77    /** How many oneway messages where received by this clients login session */
 78    public long getNumUpdateOneway();
 79    /** How many messages where received by this clients login session */
 80    public long getNumUpdate();
 82    /** How many messages are in this client side queue */
 83    public long getConnectionQueueNumMsgs();
 85    /** How many messages are max. allowed in this client side queue */
 86    public long getConnectionQueueMaxMsgs();
 88    /**
 89     * Measures the round trip for the last ping() invocation in milli seconds.  
 90     * @return Returns the pingRoundTripDelay.
 91     */
 92    public long getPingRoundTripDelay();
 94    /**
 95     * Measures the round trip for the last remote method invocation in milli seconds.
 96     * For example <code>update(), publish(), subscribe()</code>  
 97     * @return Returns the roundTripDelay.
 98     */
 99    public long getRoundTripDelay();
101    public boolean forcePollingForTesting();
103    /**
104     * Publish a message. 
105     * @param key The publish key (e.g. &lt;key oid="Hello">&lt;South/>&lt;/key>)
106     * @param qos The qos XML string (e.g. "" or "&lt;qos>&lt;persistent/>&lt;/qos>")
107     * @return The status string
108     */
109    public String invokePublish(String key, String content, String qos) throws Exception;
111    /**
112     * Invoke operation to unSubscribe one/many topics. 
113     * @param url The topic oid/xpath to unSubscribe (e.g. "Hello" or "xpath://key")
114     * @param qos The qos XML string (e.g. "" or "<qos/>")
115     * @return The status string
116     */
117    public String[] invokeUnSubscribe(String url, String qos) throws Exception;
119    /**
120     * Invoke operation to subscribe the topic, given by its oid
121     * @param url The topic oid/xpath to subscribe (e.g. "Hello" or "xpath://key")
122     * @param qos The qos XML string (e.g. "" or "<qos><persistent/></qos>")
123     * @return The status string
124     */
125    public String invokeSubscribe(String url, String qos) throws Exception;
127    /**
128     * Invoke operation to get() one/many topics. 
129     * @param url The topic oid/xpath to retrieve (e.g. "Hello" or "xpath://key")
130     * @param qos The qos XML string (e.g. "" or "<qos/>")
131     * @return The status string
132     */
133    public String[] invokeGet(String url, String qos) throws Exception;
135    /**
136     * Invoke operation to erase() one/many topics. 
137     * @param url The topic oid/xpath to erase (e.g. "Hello" or "xpath://key")
138     * @param qos The qos XML string (e.g. "" or "<qos/>")
139     * @return The status string
140     */
141    public String[] invokeErase(String url, String qos) throws Exception;
143    /**
144     * Activates/inhibits the dispatch of messages to this client. 
145     */
146    public void setDispatcherActive(boolean dispatcherActive);
148    /**
149     * Access the dispatcher state. 
150     * @return true if the dispatcher is currently able to dispatch asyncronously
151     */
152    public boolean getDispatcherActive();
154    /**
155     * The cluster node id (name) to which we want to connect.
156     * <p />
157     * Needed only for nicer logging when running in a cluster.<br />
158     * Is configurable with "-server.node.id golan"
159     * @return e.g. "golan", defaults to "xmlBlaster"
160     */
161    String getServerNodeId();
163    /**
164     * Peek messages from client queue, they are not removed
165     * @param numOfEntries The number of messages to peek, taken from the front
166     * @return The dump of the messages
167     */
168    public String[] peekClientMessages(int numOfEntries) throws Exception;
170    /**
171     * Peek messages from client queue and dump them to a file, they are not removed. 
172     * @param numOfEntries The number of messages to peek, taken from the front
173     * @param path The path to dump the messages to, it is automatically created if missing.
174     * @return The absolute file names dumped
175     */
176    public String[] peekClientMessagesToFile(int numOfEntries, String path) throws Exception;
178    /**
179     * Get the xmlBlaster client library version number. 
180     * @return For example "1.0.4"
181     */
182    public String getVersion();
183    /**
184     * Returns the xmlBlaster client library SVN version control revision number. 
185     * @return The subversion revision number of the monitored instance,
186     *         for example "13593"
187     */
188    public String getRevisionNumber();
189    /**
190     * Returns the date when xmlBlaster client library was compiled. 
191     * @return For example "07/28/2005 03:47 PM"
192     */
193    public String getBuildTimestamp();
194    /**
195     * The java vendor of the compiler. 
196     * @return For example "Sun Microsystems Inc."
197     */
198    public String getBuildJavaVendor();
199    /**
200     * The compiler java version. 
201     * @return For example "1.5.0"
202     */
203    public String getBuildJavaVersion();
205    public String leaveServer();
207    public String disconnect(String disconnectQos);
208 }

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