1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2 Name:      PublishFile.java
  3 Project:   xmlBlaster.org
  4 Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
  5 Comment:   Code for a client to publish files to xmlBlaster
  6 Version:   $Id: PublishFile.java 14846 2006-03-07 17:14:22Z ruff $
  7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  8 package org.xmlBlaster.client.feeder;
 10 import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.ConnectQos;
 11 import org.xmlBlaster.client.I_XmlBlasterAccess;
 12 import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey;
 13 import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos;
 14 import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishReturnQos;
 15 import org.xmlBlaster.util.FileLocator;
 16 import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
 17 import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
 18 import org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit;
 20 import java.util.logging.Logger;
 21 import java.util.logging.Level;
 22 import org.xmlBlaster.util.StopWatch;
 24 import java.io.File;
 27 /**
 28  * Publish files to xmlBlaster.
 29  * <br />
 30  * Use this as a command line tool to publish files, images, etc. as messages to xmlBlaster.
 31  * Invoke examples:<br />
 32  * <pre>
 33  *    java org.xmlBlaster.client.feeder.PublishFile -c &lt;content-file> -k &lt;key-file> -q &lt;qos-file> -m &lt;mime-type>
 34  * </pre>
 35  * For other supported options type
 36  * <pre>
 37  *    java org.xmlBlaster.client.feeder.PublishFile -?
 38  * </pre>
 39  */
 40 public class PublishFile
 41 {
 42    private static final String ME = "PublishFile";
 43    private I_XmlBlasterAccess senderConnection;
 44    private Global glob;
 45    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PublishFile.class.getName());
 46    private String loginName;
 47    private String passwd;
 49    /**
 50     * Constructs the PublishFile object.
 51     * <p />
 52     * Tries to support you in guessing the missing command line parameters.
 53     * <p />
 54     * Start with parameter -? to get a usage description.<br />
 55     * These command line parameters are not merged with xmlBlaster.property properties.
 56     * <p />
 57     * By default the classes in the java.io package always resolve relative pathnames
 58     * against the current user directory. This directory is named by the system property user.dir,
 59     * and is typically the directory in which the Java virtual machine was invoked
 60     *
 61     * @param args      Command line arguments
 62     */
 63    public PublishFile(String[] args) throws XmlBlasterException
 64    {
 65       glob = new Global();
 66       if (glob.init(args) != 0) {
 67          usage();
 68          System.err.println(ME + ": Bye");
 69          System.exit(1);
 70       }
 73       loginName = glob.getProperty().get("loginName", ME);
 74       passwd = glob.getProperty().get("passwd", "secret");
 76       String contentMime = glob.getProperty().get("m", (String)null);
 77       String contentMimeExtended = glob.getProperty().get("me", "1.0"); // optional
 79       // if passing the stuff in files:
 80       String contentFile = glob.getProperty().get("c", (String)null);
 81       String keyFile = glob.getProperty().get("k", (String)null);
 82       String qosFile = glob.getProperty().get("q", (String)null);
 84       // if passing the text directly on the command line:
 85       String xmlKeyGiven = glob.getProperty().get("xmlKey", (String)null);
 86       String xmlQosGiven = glob.getProperty().get("xmlQos", (String)null);
 87       String contentGiven = glob.getProperty().get("content", (String)null);
 89       String body = null;
 90       String exte = null;
 91       if (contentFile != null) {
 92          File contentHandle = new File(contentFile);
 93          String name = contentHandle.getPath();
 94          body = FileLocator.getBody(name);      // filename without extension
 95          exte = FileLocator.getExtension(name);
 96       }
 98       // Determine content ...
 99       byte[] content = null;
100       if (contentFile != null) {
101          try { content = FileLocator.readFile(contentFile); }
102          catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
103             log.severe(e.toString());
104          }
105       }
106       if (content == null && contentGiven != null) {
107          content = contentGiven.getBytes();
108       }
109       if (content == null) {
110          content = new byte[0];
111          // allow empty contents
112          //log.panic(ME, "File content is missing, specify content as '-c <file>' or '-content <the content text>' (get help with -?)");
113       }
115       // Determine XmlKey ...
116       String xmlKey = null;
117       if (keyFile != null) {
118          try { xmlKey = FileLocator.readAsciiFile(keyFile); }
119          catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
120             log.severe(e.toString());
121          }
122       }
123       if (xmlKey == null) {
124          xmlKey = xmlKeyGiven;
125       }
126       if (contentMime == null && exte != null) {
127          contentMime = FileLocator.extensionToMime(exte, null);
128       }
129       if (xmlKey == null && body != null) { // The filename will be the key-oid ...
130          if (contentMime == null) {
131             log.severe("File MIME type is unknown, specify MIME type as '-m <MIME>', for example '-m \"image/gif\"' (get help with -?)");
132             System.exit(1);
133          }
134          PublishKey publishKey = new PublishKey(glob, body, contentMime, contentMimeExtended);
135          xmlKey = publishKey.toXml();  // default <key oid=......></key>
136       }
137       if (xmlKey == null) {
138          log.severe("XmlKey is missing, specify key as '-k <file>' or '-xmlKey <the XML key>' (get help with -?)");
139          System.exit(1);
140       }
142       // Determine XmlQoS ...
143       String xmlQos = null;
144       if (qosFile != null) {
145          try { xmlQos = FileLocator.readAsciiFile(qosFile); }
146          catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
147             log.severe(e.toString());
148          }
149       }
150       if (xmlQos == null) {
151          xmlQos = xmlQosGiven;
152       }
153       if (xmlQos == null) {
154          PublishQos publishQos = new PublishQos(glob);
155          xmlQos = publishQos.toXml();  // default qos = "<qos></qos>"
156       }
158       feed(xmlKey, content, xmlQos);
159    }
162    /**
163     * Open the connection, publish the message, close the connection.
164     */
165    public PublishFile(String loginName, String passwd, String xmlKey, byte[] content, String xmlQos)
166    {
167       this.loginName = loginName;
168       this.passwd = passwd;
169       feed(xmlKey, content, xmlQos);
170    }
173    /**
174     * open the connection, publish the message, close the connection
175     */
176    protected void feed(String xmlKey, byte[] content, String xmlQos)
177    {
178       setUp();  // login
180       publish(xmlKey, content, xmlQos); // publish message
182       tearDown();  // logout
183    }
186    /**
187     * Sets up the fixture.
188     * <p />
189     * Connect to xmlBlaster and login
190     */
191    protected void setUp()
192    {
193       try {
194          senderConnection = glob.getXmlBlasterAccess();   // Find orb
195          ConnectQos connectQos = new ConnectQos(glob, loginName, passwd);
196          senderConnection.connect(connectQos, null); // Login to xmlBlaster
197       }
198       catch (Exception e) {
199           log.severe(e.toString());
200           e.printStackTrace();
201       }
202    }
205    /**
206     * Logout from xmlBlaster
207     */
208    protected void tearDown()
209    {
210       senderConnection.disconnect(null);
211    }
214    /**
215     * Construct a message and publish it.
216     */
217    public void publish(String xmlKey, byte[] content, String qos)
218    {
219       if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Publishing the message ...\nKEY:\n" + xmlKey + "\nCONTENT-LENGTH=" + content.length + "\nQOS:\n" + qos);
221       try {
222          MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(glob, xmlKey, content, qos);
223          StopWatch stop = new StopWatch();
224          PublishReturnQos publish = senderConnection.publish(msgUnit);
225          log.info("Success: Publishing done: " + publish.toXml() + "\n" + stop.nice());
226          //log.info(ME, "Success: Publishing done, returned message oid=" + publish.getKeyOid() + stop.nice());
227       } catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
228          log.warning("XmlBlasterException: " + e.getMessage());
229       }
230    }
233    /**
234     * Command line usage.
235     */
236    private void usage()
237    {
238       System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------");
239       System.out.println("java org.xmlBlaster.client.feeder.PublishFile <options>");
240       System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------");
241       System.out.println("Options:");
242       System.out.println("   -?                  Print this message.");
243       System.out.println("");
244       System.out.println("   -loginName <LoginName> Your xmlBlaster login name.");
245       System.out.println("   -passwd <Password>  Your xmlBlaster password.");
246       System.out.println("");
247       System.out.println("   -k  <XmlKeyFile>    The XmlKey for the content, or:");
248       System.out.println("   -xmlKey <XmlKey>    The XML key on command line.");
249       System.out.println("");
250       System.out.println("   -c  <contentFile>   The content file you want to feed, or:");
251       System.out.println("   -content <content>  The content on command line.");
252       System.out.println("");
253       System.out.println("   -q  <XmlQosFile>    The XmlQos for the message, or:");
254       System.out.println("   -xmlQos <XmlQos>    The XML qos on command line.");
255       System.out.println("");
256       System.out.println("   These options only if you didn't specify -k or -xmlKey explicitly");
257       System.out.println("   -m  <MIMEtype>      The MIME type of the message.");
258       System.out.println("   -me <MIMEextendend> The extenden MIME type (for your own use).");
259       //I_XmlBlasterAccess.usage();
260       //log.usage();
261       System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------");
262       System.out.println("Example:");
263       System.out.println("java org.xmlBlaster.client.feeder.PublishFile -c Hello.xml");
264       System.out.println("   The message will be named automatically 'Hello' and the MIME will be set to 'text/xml'");
265       System.out.println("   and the qos (quality of service) is set to default");
266       System.out.println("");
267       System.out.println("java org.xmlBlaster.client.feeder.PublishFile -content \"Hello World\" -xmlKey \"<key oid='number12' contentMime='text/plain'></key>\"");
268       System.out.println("");
269       System.out.println("java org.xmlBlaster.client.feeder.PublishFile -xmlKey \"<key oid='__cmd:sysprop/?trace=true'/>\"");
270       System.out.println("----------------------------------------------------------");
271       System.out.println("");
272    }
275    /**
276     * Invoke:  java org.xmlBlaster.client.feeder.PublishFile -c <content-file> -k <key-file> -q <qos-file> -m <mime-type>
277     */
278    public static void main(String args[])
279    {
280       try {
281          new PublishFile(args);
282       } catch (Throwable e) {
283          e.printStackTrace();
284          System.err.println(PublishFile.ME + ": " + e.toString());
285          System.exit(1);
286       }
287    }
288 }

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