1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2 Name:      PublishKey.java
  3 Project:   xmlBlaster.org
  4 Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
  5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  6 package org.xmlBlaster.client.key;
  8 import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
  9 import org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeyData;
 10 import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
 12 /**
 13  * Wrap the XML key data for publish() invocations.
 14  * <p>
 15  * See MsgKeySaxFactory for a syntax description of the allowed xml structure
 16  * </p>
 17  * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.key.MsgKeySaxFactory
 18  * @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.publish.html" target="others">the interface.publish requirement</a>
 19  */
 20 public class PublishKey
 21 {
 22    private final static String ME = "PublishKey";
 23    private final MsgKeyData msgKeyData;
 25    /**
 26     * Create a key data holder, the message oid is randomly generated.
 27     */
 28    public PublishKey(Global glob) {
 29       this.msgKeyData = new MsgKeyData(glob);
 30    }
 32    /**
 33     * Create a key data holder with the given message oid.
 34     */
 35    public PublishKey(Global glob, String oid) {
 36       this.msgKeyData = new MsgKeyData(glob);
 37       setOid(oid);
 38    }
 40    /**
 41     * Create a key data holder with the given message oid and its mime type.
 42     */
 43    public PublishKey(Global glob, String oid, String contentMime) {
 44       this.msgKeyData = new MsgKeyData(glob);
 45       setOid(oid);
 46       setContentMime(contentMime);
 47    }
 49    /**
 50     * Create a key data holder with the given message oid and its mime types.
 51     */
 52    public PublishKey(Global glob, String oid, String contentMime, String contentMimeExtended) {
 53       this.msgKeyData = new MsgKeyData(glob);
 54       setOid(oid);
 55       setContentMime(contentMime);
 56       setContentMimeExtended(contentMimeExtended);
 57    }
 59    /**
 60     * Create a key data holder with the given message oid and its mime types.
 61     * @param domain The cluster domain
 62     */
 63    public PublishKey(Global glob, String oid, String contentMime, String contentMimeExtended, String domain) {
 64       this.msgKeyData = new MsgKeyData(glob);
 65       setOid(oid);
 66       setContentMime(contentMime);
 67       setContentMimeExtended(contentMimeExtended);
 68       setDomain(domain);
 69    }
 71    /**
 72     * Pass a pre filled data object.
 73     */
 74    public PublishKey(Global glob, MsgKeyData msgKeyData) {
 75       this.msgKeyData = msgKeyData;
 76       //glob.getMsgKeyFactory().readObject(xmlKey);
 77    }
 79    public MsgKeyData getData() {
 80       return this.msgKeyData;
 81    }
 83    /**
 84     * Set the &lt;key oid="...">.
 85     * @param The unique key oid
 86     */
 87    public void setOid(String oid) {
 88       this.msgKeyData.setOid(oid);
 89    }
 91    /**
 92     * Access the &lt;key oid="...">.
 93     * @return The unique key oid
 94     */
 95    public String getOid() {
 96       return this.msgKeyData.getOid();
 97    }
 99    /**
100     * A MIME type like "image/gif"
101     */
102    public void setContentMime(String contentMime) {
103       this.msgKeyData.setContentMime(contentMime);
104    }
106    /**
107     * A MIME type like "image/gif"
108     */
109    public String getContentMime() {
110       return this.msgKeyData.getContentMime();
111    }
113    /**
114     * For example a version number of the mime type
115     */
116    public void setContentMimeExtended(String contentMimeExtended) {
117       this.msgKeyData.setContentMimeExtended(contentMimeExtended);
118    }
120    /**
121     * For example a version number of the mime type
122     */
123    public String getContentMimeExtended() {
124       return this.msgKeyData.getContentMimeExtended();
125    }
127    /**
128     * Allows to give cluster a hint about who is the master
129     * or can be used for your own purposes
130     */
131    public void setDomain(String domain) {
132       this.msgKeyData.setDomain(domain);
133    }
135    /**
136     * Access the domain setting
137     * @return A domain string or null
138     */
139    public String getDomain() {
140       return this.msgKeyData.getDomain();
141    }
143    /**
144     * May be used to integrate your application tags.
145     * <p />
146     * @param str The ASCII XML key containing your tags
147     */
148    public void setClientTags(String clientTags) {
149       this.msgKeyData.setClientTags(clientTags);
150    }
152    /**
153     * Your specific application tags.
154     */
155    public String getClientTags() {
156       return this.msgKeyData.getClientTags();
157    }
159    public Global getGlobal() {
160       return this.msgKeyData.getGlobal();
161    }
163    /**
164     * Converts the data in XML ASCII string.
165     * @return An XML ASCII string
166     */
167    public String toXml() {
168       return this.msgKeyData.toXml();
169    }
170 }

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