1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2 Name:      DisconnectQos.java
  3 Project:   xmlBlaster.org
  4 Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
  5 Comment:   Handling one xmlQoS
  6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  7 package org.xmlBlaster.client.qos;
  9 import java.util.Properties;
 11 import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
 12 import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.DisconnectQosData;
 13 import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.ClientProperty;
 14 import org.xmlBlaster.util.property.PropBoolean;
 16 /**
 17  * This class encapsulates the qos of a logout() or disconnect()
 18  * <p />
 19  * So you don't need to type the 'ugly' XML ASCII string by yourself.
 20  * After construction access the ASCII-XML string with the toXml() method.
 21  * <br />
 22  * A typical <b>logout</b> qos could look like this:<br />
 23  * <pre>
 24  *  &lt;qos>
 25  *    &lt;deleteSubjectQueue>true&lt;/deleteSubjectQueue>
 26  *    &lt;clearSessions>false&lt;/clearSessions>
 27  *  &lt;/qos>
 28  * </pre>
 29  * <p />
 30  * The following properties are evaluated (command line or xmlBlaster.properties)
 31  * and control the behaviour on client side:
 32  * <pre>
 33  * dispatch/connection/shutdownDispatcher  true/false
 34  * dispatch/connection/shutdownCbServer    true/false
 35  * dispatch/connection/leaveServer         true/false
 36  * </pre>
 37  * Additionally you can set these values as clientProperties, which have priority:
 38  * <pre>
 39  *    &lt;qos>
 40  *       &lt;clientProperty name='shutdownDispatcher'>true&lt;/clientProperty>
 41  *       &lt;clientProperty name='shutdownCbServer'>true&lt;/clientProperty>
 42  *       &lt;clientProperty name='leaveServer'>false&lt;/clientProperty>
 43  *    &lt;/qos>
 44  * </pre>
 45  * @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/interface.disconnect.html">The interface.disconnect requirement</a>
 46  * @see org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.DisconnectQosTest
 47  */
 48 public class DisconnectQos
 49 {
 50    private final Global glob;
 51    private final DisconnectQosData disconnectQosData;
 53    private PropBoolean clearClientQueue = new PropBoolean(true);
 54    private boolean shutdownDispatcher;
 55    private boolean shutdownCbServer;
 56    private boolean leaveServer;
 58    public DisconnectQos(Global glob) {
 59       this(glob, null);
 60    }
 62    /**
 63     * Constructor for internal use. 
 64     * @param disconnectQosData The struct holding the data
 65     */
 66    public DisconnectQos(Global glob, DisconnectQosData disconnectQosData) {
 67       this.glob = (glob==null) ? Global.instance() : glob;
 68       this.disconnectQosData = (disconnectQosData==null) ? new DisconnectQosData(this.glob) : disconnectQosData;
 69       init();
 70    }
 72    /** @deprecated */
 73    public DisconnectQos() {
 74       this(null, null);
 75    }
 77    /**
 78     * Access the wrapped data holder
 79     */
 80    public DisconnectQosData getData() {
 81       return this.disconnectQosData;
 82    }
 84    private void init() {
 86       this.shutdownDispatcher = this.glob.getProperty().get("dispatch/connection/shutdownDispatcher", true);
 87       if (this.disconnectQosData.getClientProperties().containsKey("shutdownDispatcher")) {
 88          this.shutdownDispatcher = this.disconnectQosData.getClientProperty("shutdownDispatcher", this.shutdownDispatcher);
 89       }
 91       this.shutdownCbServer = this.glob.getProperty().get("dispatch/connection/shutdownCbServer", true);
 92       if (this.disconnectQosData.getClientProperties().containsKey("shutdownCbServer")) {
 93          this.shutdownCbServer = this.disconnectQosData.getClientProperty("shutdownCbServer", this.shutdownCbServer);
 94       }
 96       this.leaveServer = this.glob.getProperty().get("dispatch/connection/leaveServer", false);
 97       if (this.disconnectQosData.getClientProperties().containsKey("leaveServer")) {
 98          this.leaveServer = this.disconnectQosData.getClientProperty("leaveServer", this.leaveServer);
 99       }
100    }
102    /**
103     * Return true if subject queue shall be deleted with last user session
104     * @return true;
105     */
106    public boolean deleteSubjectQueue() {
107       return this.disconnectQosData.deleteSubjectQueue();
108    }
110    /**
111     * If subject queue shall be deleted with last user session logout
112     * @param del defaults to true
113     */
114    public void deleteSubjectQueue(boolean del) {
115       this.disconnectQosData.deleteSubjectQueue(del);
116    }
118    /**
119     * Return true if we shall kill all other sessions of this user on logout (defaults to false). 
120     * @return false
121     */
122    public boolean clearSessions() {
123       return this.disconnectQosData.clearSessions();
124    }
126    /**
127     * @param true if we shall kill all other sessions of this user on logout (defaults to false). 
128     */
129    public void clearSessions(boolean del) {
130       this.disconnectQosData.clearSessions(del);
131    }
133    /**
134     * Sets a client property (an application specific property) to the
135     * given value. 
136     * <p>
137     * Note that this is no multimap, later similar keys will overwrite the previous
138     * @param key
139     * @param value
140     */
141    public void addClientProperty(String key, Object value) {
142       this.disconnectQosData.addClientProperty(key, value);
143    }
145    /**
146     * Read back a property. 
147     * @return The client property or null if not found
148     */
149    public ClientProperty getClientProperty(String key) {
150       return this.disconnectQosData.getClientProperty(key);
151    }
153    /**
154     * Converts the data into a valid XML ASCII string.
155     * @return An XML ASCII string
156     */
157    public String toString() {
158       return this.disconnectQosData.toXml();
159    }
161    /**
162     * Converts the data into a valid XML ASCII string.
163     * @return An XML ASCII string
164     */
165    public String toXml() {
166       return this.disconnectQosData.toXml();
167    }
169    public final String toXml(String extraOffset, Properties props) {
170       return this.disconnectQosData.toXml(extraOffset, props);
171    }
173    /**
174     * If there are tail back messages in the client side queue, what to do with them. 
175     * <p>
176     * Controls client side behavior.
177     * </p>
178     * @param clearClientQueue true Removes all entries of the client side tailback queue which is default<br />
179     *                         false Keep persistent entries in client side queue, will be sent on next connect
180     *                               of the same client with the same public session ID.
181     */
182    public void clearClientQueue(boolean clearClientQueue) {
183       this.clearClientQueue.setValue(clearClientQueue);
184    }
186    /**
187     * @see #clearClientQueue(boolean)
188     */
189    public boolean clearClientQueue() {
190       return this.clearClientQueue.getValue();
191    }
193    public PropBoolean getClearClientQueueProp() {
194       return this.clearClientQueue;
195    }
197    /**
198     * Shutdown the client side dispatcher framework on disconnect, which
199     * includes the low level connection like CORBA. 
200     * <p>
201     * Controls client side behavior.
202     * </p>
203     * @param shutdownDispatcher true is default
204     */
205    public void shutdownDispatcher(boolean shutdownDispatcher) {
206       this.shutdownDispatcher = shutdownDispatcher;
207    }
209    /**
210     * @return Defaults to true
211     */
212    public boolean shutdownDispatcher() {
213       return this.shutdownDispatcher;
214    }
216    /**
217     * Shutdown the client side callback server on disconnect. 
218     * <p>
219     * Controls client side behavior.
220     * </p>
221     * @param shutdownCbServer true is default
222     */
223    public void shutdownCbServer(boolean shutdownCbServer) {
224       this.shutdownCbServer = shutdownCbServer;
225    }
227    /**
228     * @return Defaults to true
229     */
230    public boolean shutdownCbServer() {
231       return this.shutdownCbServer;
232    }
234    /**
235     * @return Returns the current setting
236     */
237    public boolean isLeaveServer() {
238       return this.leaveServer;
239    }
241    /**
242     * Set this to true if you just want to cleanup the
243     * client library but not disconnect from the server.
244     * At the server our session remains and will queue messages
245     * for us until we login again.
246     * @param leaveServer The leaveServer to set.
247     */
248    public void setLeaveServer(boolean leaveServer) {
249       this.leaveServer = leaveServer;
250    }
251 }

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