1 package org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest;
  3 import java.io.BufferedReader;
  4 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
  5 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
  6 import java.io.IOException;
  7 import java.io.InputStream;
  8 import java.io.InputStreamReader;
  9 import java.io.OutputStream;
 10 import java.io.PrintStream;
 11 import java.net.InetAddress;
 12 import java.net.ServerSocket;
 13 import java.net.Socket;
 14 import java.util.Hashtable;
 15 import java.util.Vector;
 17 import java.util.logging.Logger;
 18 import java.util.logging.Level;
 19 import org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.http.common.BufferedInputStreamMicro;
 20 import org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.http.common.Msg;
 21 import org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.http.common.MsgHolder;
 22 import org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.http.common.ObjectInputStreamMicro;
 23 import org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.http.common.ObjectOutputStreamMicro;
 24 import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
 26 import junit.framework.*;
 28 /**
 29  * Test ConnectQos. 
 30  * <p />
 31  * All methods starting with 'test' and without arguments are invoked automatically
 32  * <p />
 33  * Invoke: java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner -noloading org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.MicroEditionTest
 34  */
 35 public class MicroEditionTest extends TestCase {
 37    public class Sender extends Thread {
 39       private int port;
 40       private byte[] content;
 41       private long delay;
 42       private InetAddress addr;
 44       public Sender(InetAddress addr, int port, byte[] content, long delay) {
 45          super();
 46          this.port = port;
 47          this.content = content;
 48          this.delay = delay;
 49          this.addr = addr;
 50          start();   
 51       }
 53       public void run() {
 54          try {
 55             Socket sock = new Socket(this.addr, this.port);
 56             OutputStream out = sock.getOutputStream();
 57             for (int i=0; i < this.content.length; i++) {
 58                out.write(this.content[i]);
 59                Thread.sleep(this.delay);
 60             }
 61             out.flush();
 62             sock.close();            
 63          }
 64          catch (Exception ex) {
 65             ex.printStackTrace();
 66          }
 67       }
 69    }
 71    public class Receiver extends Thread {
 73       private int port;
 74       private Vector lines = new Vector();
 75       private ServerSocket serverSocket;
 76       private boolean isMicro;
 77       private boolean finished;
 79       public Receiver(int port, boolean isMicro) throws IOException {
 80          super();
 81          this.port = port;
 82          this.serverSocket = new ServerSocket(this.port);
 83       }
 85       public InetAddress startListener() {
 86          start();
 87          return this.serverSocket.getInetAddress();
 88       }
 90       public String[] getLines() {
 91          return (String[])this.lines.toArray(new String[this.lines.size()]);
 92       }
 94       public boolean isFinished() {
 95          return this.finished;
 96       }
 98       public void run() {
 99          System.out.println("starting thread");
100          try {
101             Socket sock = this.serverSocket.accept();
102             InputStream in = sock.getInputStream();
104             if (this.isMicro) {
105                BufferedInputStreamMicro br = new BufferedInputStreamMicro(in);
106                while (true) {
107                   String line = br.readLine();
108                   if (line != null) this.lines.add(line);
109                   else break;
110                }
111             }
112             else {
113                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
114                while (true) {
115                   String line = br.readLine();
116                   if (line != null) this.lines.add(line);
117                   else break;
118                }
119             }
120             sock.close();            
121          }
122          catch (Exception ex) {
123             ex.printStackTrace();
124          }
125          this.finished = true;
126       }
128    }
130    final static String ME = "MicroEditionTest";
131    protected Global glob;
132    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MicroEditionTest.class.getName());
133    int counter = 0;
135    public MicroEditionTest(String name, String[] args) {
136       super(name);
137       this.glob = Global.instance();
138       this.glob.init(args);
140    }
142    public MicroEditionTest(String name) {
143       super(name);
144       this.glob = Global.instance();
146    }
148    protected void setUp() {
149    }
151    protected void tearDown() {
152    }
154    private void assertHashtableContent(String key, Hashtable ref, Hashtable is) {
155       Object val1 = ref.get(key);
156       Object val2 = is.get(key);
157       assertEquals("wrong value for key '" + key + "'", val1, val2);
158    }
160    public void testVectorIO() {
161       try {
162          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
163          ObjectOutputStreamMicro oosm = new ObjectOutputStreamMicro(baos);
165          Hashtable key = new Hashtable();
166          key.put("one", "1");
167          key.put("two", "2");
168          key.put("three", "3");
169          key.put("four", "4");
171          Hashtable qos = new Hashtable();
172          qos.put("one-qos", "1");
173          qos.put("two-qos", "2");
174          qos.put("three-qos", "3");
176          byte[] content = "This is the content".getBytes();
177          Msg msg = new Msg(key, content, qos);
178          Vector inVec = new Vector();
179          inVec.add(key);
180          inVec.add(qos);
181          inVec.add(content);
182          inVec.add(key);
183          inVec.add(qos);
184          inVec.add(content);
185          oosm.writeObject(inVec);
187          ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
188          ObjectInputStreamMicro oism = new ObjectInputStreamMicro(bais);
189          Object obj = oism.readObject();
190          assertTrue("hashtable is not of type 'Vector', it is " + obj.getClass().getName(), obj instanceof Vector);
191          Vector vec = (Vector)obj;
192          assertEquals("wrong number of entries in vector", 6, vec.size());
193          Hashtable keyOut = (Hashtable)vec.get(0);
194          Hashtable qosOut = (Hashtable)vec.get(1);
195          byte[] contentOut = (byte[])vec.get(2);
196          assertHashtableContent("one", key, keyOut);
197          assertHashtableContent("two", key, keyOut);
198          assertHashtableContent("three", key, keyOut);
199          assertHashtableContent("four", key, keyOut);
200          assertHashtableContent("one-qos", qos, qosOut);
201          assertHashtableContent("two-qos", qos, qosOut);
202          assertHashtableContent("three-qos", qos, qosOut);
204          keyOut = (Hashtable)vec.get(3);
205          qosOut = (Hashtable)vec.get(4);
206          contentOut = (byte[])vec.get(5);
207          assertHashtableContent("one", key, keyOut);
208          assertHashtableContent("two", key, keyOut);
209          assertHashtableContent("three", key, keyOut);
210          assertHashtableContent("four", key, keyOut);
211          assertHashtableContent("one-qos", qos, qosOut);
212          assertHashtableContent("two-qos", qos, qosOut);
213          assertHashtableContent("three-qos", qos, qosOut);
214          log.info("testVectorIO successfully completed");
215       }
216       catch (Exception ex) {
217          ex.printStackTrace();         
218          assertTrue("exception occured: " + ex.getMessage(), false);
219       }
221    }
223    public void testHashtableIO() {
224       try {
225          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
226          ObjectOutputStreamMicro oosm = new ObjectOutputStreamMicro(baos);
228          Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();
229          hashtable.put("one", "1");
230          hashtable.put("two", "2");
231          hashtable.put("three", "3");
232          hashtable.put("four", "4");
234          oosm.writeObject(hashtable);
235          ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
236          ObjectInputStreamMicro oism = new ObjectInputStreamMicro(bais);
237          Object obj = oism.readObject();
238          assertTrue("hashtable is not of type 'Hashtable', it is " + obj.getClass().getName(), obj instanceof Hashtable);
239          Hashtable table = (Hashtable)obj;
240          assertEquals("wrong number of entries in hashtable", hashtable.size(), table.size());
241          assertHashtableContent("one", hashtable, table);
242          assertHashtableContent("two", hashtable, table);
243          assertHashtableContent("three", hashtable, table);
244          assertHashtableContent("four", hashtable, table);
245          log.info("testHashtableIO successfully completed");
246       }
247       catch (Exception ex) {
248          ex.printStackTrace();         
249          assertTrue("exception occured: " + ex.getMessage(), false);
250       }
252    }
254    public void testStringIO() {
255       try {
256          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
257          ObjectOutputStreamMicro oosm = new ObjectOutputStreamMicro(baos);
259          String testString = "this is\n\na simple\nmultiline string\n";
260          oosm.writeObject(testString);
261          ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
262          ObjectInputStreamMicro oism = new ObjectInputStreamMicro(bais);
263          Object obj = oism.readObject();
264          assertTrue("string is not of type 'String', it is " + obj.getClass().getName(), obj instanceof String);
265          String response = (String)obj;
266          assertEquals("wrong content for the string", testString, response);
267          log.info("testStringIO successfully completed");
268       }
269       catch (Exception ex) {
270          ex.printStackTrace();         
271          assertTrue("exception occured: " + ex.getMessage(), false);
272       }
273    }
275    public void testReadLine() {
276       try {
277          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
278          PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
279          ps.println("first line");
280          ps.println("");
281          ps.println("");
282          ps.println("");
283          ps.println("second line");
284          ps.println("third line");
285          ps.println("");
286          ps.println("");
287          ps.close();
288          byte[] buf = baos.toByteArray();
289          byte[] buf1 = new byte[buf.length];
290          for (int i=0; i < buf.length; i++) buf1[i] = buf[i];
292          BufferedInputStreamMicro bism = new BufferedInputStreamMicro(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf));
293          BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf1)));
294          while (true) {
295             String referenceLine = br.readLine(); // of the normal reader
296             if (referenceLine == null) 
297                break;
298             String lineToCheck = bism.readLine(); // must be the same as the corresponding reference since we expect same behaviour
299             if (lineToCheck == null) 
300                assertTrue("the line to be checked is unexpectedly null", false);
301             assertEquals("wrong content", referenceLine, lineToCheck);
302          }
304          String lineToCheck = bism.readLine(); // must be the same as the corresponding reference since we expect same behaviour
305          assertTrue("The line to check must also be null", lineToCheck == null);
307          log.info("testReadLine successfully completed");
308       }
309       catch (Exception ex) {
310          ex.printStackTrace();         
311          assertTrue("exception occured: " + ex.getMessage(), false);
312       }
313    }
315    public void testReadLineDelayed() {
316       try {
317          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
318          PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
319          ps.println("first line");
320          ps.println("");
321          ps.println("");
322          ps.println("");
323          ps.println("second line");
324          ps.println("third line");
325          ps.println("");
326          ps.println("");
327          ps.close();
328          byte[] buf = baos.toByteArray();
330          int port1 = 26666;
331          int port2 = 26667;
332          Receiver receiver1 = new Receiver(port1, false);
333          Receiver receiver2 = new Receiver(port2, true);
335          log.info("testReadLineDelayed create sender 1");
336          Sender sender1 = new Sender(receiver1.startListener(), port1, buf, 1L);
337          log.info("testReadLineDelayed create sender 2");
338          Sender sender2 = new Sender(receiver2.startListener(), port2, buf, 10L);
340          while (!receiver1.isFinished() || !receiver2.isFinished()) {
341             Thread.sleep(200L);
342          }
344          String[] resp1 = receiver1.getLines();
345          String[] resp2 = receiver2.getLines();
347          assertEquals("wrong number of lines returned", resp1.length, resp2.length);
348          for (int i=0; i < resp1.length; i++) {
349             log.info(".testReadLineDelayed '" + resp1[i] + "' '" + resp2[i] + "'");
350          }
351          for (int i=0; i < resp1.length; i++) {
352             assertEquals("wrong content of line " + i, resp1[i], resp2[i]);
353          }
355       }
356       catch (Exception ex) {
357          ex.printStackTrace();         
358          assertTrue("exception occured: " + ex.getMessage(), false);
359       }
360    }
362    public void testMessageIO() {
363       try {
364          ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
365          ObjectOutputStreamMicro oosm = new ObjectOutputStreamMicro(baos);
367          String oid = "someOid";         
368          String key = "<key oid='100'></key>";
369          String qos = "<qos><persistent/></qos>";
370          byte[] content = "This is the content".getBytes();
372          int length = ObjectOutputStreamMicro.writeMessage(baos, oid, key, qos, content);
373          assertEquals("wrong length returned", oid.length() + key.length() + qos.length() + content.length + 3, length);
374          ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
375          ObjectInputStreamMicro oism = new ObjectInputStreamMicro(bais);
377          int size = bais.available();
378          assertEquals("wrong length of bytes available", length, size);
379          byte[] msg = new byte[size];
380          bais.read(msg);
381          MsgHolder msgHolder = ObjectInputStreamMicro.readMessage(msg);
383          assertEquals("wrong content for the oid", oid, msgHolder.getOid());
384          assertEquals("wrong content for the key", key, msgHolder.getKey());
385          assertEquals("wrong content for the qos", qos, msgHolder.getQos());
386          assertEquals("wrong content for the content", new String(content), new String(msgHolder.getContent()));
388          log.info("testMessageIO successfully completed");
389       }
390       catch (Exception ex) {
391          ex.printStackTrace();         
392          assertTrue("exception occured: " + ex.getMessage(), false);
393       }
394    }
396    /**
397     * <pre>
398     *  java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.MicroEditionTest
399     * </pre>
400     */
401    public static void main(String args[])
402    {
403       MicroEditionTest test = new MicroEditionTest("MicroEditionTest", args);
405       test.setUp();
406       test.testStringIO();
407       test.tearDown();
409       test.setUp();
410       test.testHashtableIO();
411       test.tearDown();
413       test.setUp();
414       test.testVectorIO();
415       test.tearDown();
417       test.setUp();
418       test.testReadLine();
419       test.tearDown();
421       test.setUp();
422       test.testReadLineDelayed();
423       test.tearDown();
425       test.setUp();
426       test.testMessageIO();
427       test.tearDown();
428    }
429 }

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