1 package org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest;
  3 import java.util.logging.Logger;
  4 import org.xmlBlaster.util.Timestamp;
  5 import org.xmlBlaster.util.Timeout;
  6 import org.xmlBlaster.util.I_Timeout;
  7 import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
  9 import junit.framework.*;
 11 /**
 12  * Test Timeout class (scheduling for timeouts). 
 13  * <p />
 14  * All methods starting with 'test' and without arguments are invoked automatically
 15  * <p />
 16  * Invoke: java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner -noloading org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.TimeoutTest
 17  * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.Timeout
 18  */
 19 public class TimeoutTest extends TestCase {
 20    private String ME = "TimeoutTest";
 21    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TimeoutTest.class.getName());
 22    private boolean event = false;
 23    private int counter = 0;
 25    public TimeoutTest(String name) {
 26       super(name);
 28    }
 30    /**
 31     * Test a simple timeout
 32     */
 33    public void testTimeout() {
 34       System.out.println("***TimeoutTest: testTimeout ...");
 36       {
 37          event = false;
 38          Timeout timeout = new Timeout(ME);
 39          Timestamp timeoutHandle = timeout.addTimeoutListener(new I_Timeout() {
 40                public void timeout(Object userData) {
 41                   event = true;
 42                   log.info("Timeout happened after 0 millisec");
 43                }
 44             },
 45             0L, null);
 47          try { Thread.sleep(100L); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
 48          assertEquals("Timeout not occurred after 0 msec.", true, event);
 49       }
 51       {
 52          event = false;
 53          Timeout timeout = new Timeout(ME);
 54          Timestamp timeoutHandle = timeout.addTimeoutListener(new I_Timeout() {
 55                public void timeout(Object userData) {
 56                   event = true;
 57                   log.info("Timeout happened after 500 millisec");
 58                }
 59             },
 60             500L, null);
 62          try { Thread.sleep(800L); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
 63          assertEquals("Timeout not occurred after 1 sec.", true, event);
 64       }
 66       {
 67          event = false;
 68          Timeout timeout = new Timeout(ME);
 69          Timestamp timeoutHandle = timeout.addTimeoutListener(new I_Timeout() {
 70                public void timeout(Object userData) {
 71                   event = true;
 72                   log.severe("Timeout happened after 1 sec");
 73                }
 74             },
 75             1000L, null);
 77          try { Thread.sleep(200L); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
 78          assertEquals("Timeout occurred unexpected", false, event);
 79          timeout.removeTimeoutListener(timeoutHandle);
 80          try { Thread.sleep(1000L); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
 81          assertEquals("Timeout occurred unexpected", false, event);
 82       }
 84       System.out.println("***TimeoutTest: testTimeout [SUCCESS]");
 85    }
 87    /**
 88     * Testing basic functionality
 89     */
 90    public void testFunctionality() {
 91       System.out.println("***TimeoutTest: testFunctionality ...");
 93       Timeout timeout = new Timeout();
 94       counter = 0;
 96       // Test to remove invalid keys
 97       timeout.removeTimeoutListener(null);
 98       timeout.removeTimeoutListener(new Timestamp(12));
100       // We have the internal knowledge that the key is the scheduled timeout in millis since 1970
101       // so we use it here for testing ...
102       final Timestamp[] keyArr = new Timestamp[4];
103       class Dummy1 implements I_Timeout {
104          private String ME = "Dummy1";
105          public void timeout(Object userData) {
106             long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
107             long diff = time - keyArr[counter].getMillis();
108             if (Math.abs(diff) < 40)
109                // Allow 40 millis wrong notification (for code execution etc.) ...
110                log.info("Timeout occurred for " + userData.toString() + " at " + time + " millis, real time failure=" + diff + " millis.");
111             else {
112                System.err.println("*****ERROR: Wrong timeout occurred for " + userData.toString() + " at " + time + " millis, scheduled was " + keyArr[counter] + " , real time failure=" + diff + " millis.");
113                fail("*****ERROR: Wrong timeout occurred for " + userData.toString() + " at " + time + " millis, scheduled was " + keyArr[counter] + " , real time failure=" + diff + " millis.");
114             }
115             counter++;
116          }
117       }
118       Dummy1 dummy = new Dummy1();
119       keyArr[2] = timeout.addTimeoutListener(dummy, 4000L, "timer-4000");
121       keyArr[3] = timeout.addTimeoutListener(dummy, 2000L, "timer-5500");
122       try { keyArr[3] = timeout.refreshTimeoutListener(keyArr[3], 5500L); } catch (XmlBlasterException e) { fail("Refresh failed: " + e.getMessage()); }
123       long diffT = keyArr[3].getMillis() - System.currentTimeMillis();
124       assertTrue("ERROR: refresh failed", (Math.abs(5500L - diffT) <= 30));
126       keyArr[0] = timeout.addTimeoutListener(dummy, 1000L, "timer-1000");
127       keyArr[1] = timeout.addTimeoutListener(dummy, 1000L, "timer-1000");
129       long span = timeout.spanToTimeout(keyArr[2]);
130       assertTrue("*****ERROR: This short span to timeout = " + span + " is probably wrong, or you have a very slow computer.", span >= 3000L);
132       Timestamp key = timeout.addTimeoutListener(dummy, 1000L, "timer-1000");
133       timeout.removeTimeoutListener(key);
134       try { key = timeout.refreshTimeoutListener(key, 1500L); } catch (XmlBlasterException e) { log.info("Refresh failed which is OK (it is a test): " + e.getMessage()); }
136       assertEquals("Should not be expired", false, timeout.isExpired(keyArr[2]));
138       try { Thread.sleep(7000L); } catch (Exception e) { fail("*****ERROR: main interrupt: " + e.toString()); }
140       assertEquals("Should be expired", true, timeout.isExpired(keyArr[2]));
142       System.out.println("***TimeoutTest: testFunctionality [SUCCESS]");
143    }
145    /**
146     * We test a big load
147     */
148    public void testStressLoad() {
149       System.out.println("***TimeoutTest: testStressLoad ...");
151       String ME = "Timeout-Tester";
152       Timeout timeout = new Timeout();
154       final int numTimers = 10000;
155       timeout.shutdown();
156       timeout = new Timeout(); // get a new handle
157       class Dummy2 implements I_Timeout {
158          private String ME = "Dummy2";
159          private long start = 0L;
160          public void timeout(Object userData) {
161             if (counter == 0) {
162                start = System.currentTimeMillis();
163             }
164             counter++;
165             if (counter == numTimers) {
166                long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
167                assertTrue("Error testing " + numTimers + " timers, all updates needed " + diff + " millis", diff < 4000L);
168                log.info("Success, tested " + numTimers + " timers, all updates came in " + diff + " millis");
169             }
170          }
171       }
172       Dummy2 dummy2 = new Dummy2();
173       long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
174       for (int ii = 0; ii < numTimers; ii++) {
175          timeout.addTimeoutListener(dummy2, 6000L, "timer-" + ii);
176       }
177       assertEquals("Expected " + numTimers + " instead of " + timeout.getSize() + " active timers", numTimers, timeout.getSize());
179       log.info("Feeding of " + numTimers + " done, " + (long) (1000 * (double) numTimers / (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)) + " adds/sec");
181       while (counter != numTimers) {
182          try { Thread.sleep(500L); } catch (Exception e) { fail("*****ERROR:main interrupt: " + e.toString()); }
183       }
185       System.out.println("***TimeoutTest: testStressLoad [SUCCESS]");
186    }
187 }

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