1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2 Name:      TestMessages.java
  3 Project:   xmlBlaster.org
  4 Copyright: xmlBlaster.org, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file
  5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  6 package org.xmlBlaster.test.jms;
  8 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
  9 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 11 import javax.jms.JMSException;
 12 import javax.jms.MessageNotWriteableException;
 14 import java.util.logging.Logger;
 16 import org.xmlBlaster.jms.MessageHelper;
 17 import org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBBytesMessage;
 18 import org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBDestination;
 19 import org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBMessage;
 20 import org.xmlBlaster.jms.XBTextMessage;
 21 import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
 22 import org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit;
 24 import junit.framework.*;
 26 /**
 27  * Test Messages. 
 28  * <p />
 29  * All methods starting with 'test' and without arguments are invoked automatically
 30  * <p />
 31  * Invoke: java -Djava.compiler= junit.textui.TestRunner -noloading org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.TestJmsSubscribe
 32  * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.ConnectQosData
 33  * @see <a href="http://www.xmlBlaster.org/xmlBlaster/doc/requirements/jms.html" target="others">the jms requirement</a>
 34  * @author <a href="mailto:michele@laghi.eu">Michele Laghi</a>
 35  */
 36 public class TestMessages extends TestCase {
 37    protected Global glob;
 38    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestMessages.class.getName());
 39    int counter = 0, nmax;
 41    public TestMessages(String name) {
 42       super(name);
 43    }
 45    public void prepare(String[] args) {
 46       this.glob = new Global(args);
 47       // this.glob.init(args);
 48    }
 50    protected void setUp() {
 51       this.glob = Global.instance();
 53    }
 55    protected void tearDown() {
 57    }
 59    private void checkIfAllowed(XBMessage msg, String setter, String getter, Object val, boolean allowed) {
 60       try {
 61          String methodName = "get" + getter + "Property";
 62          Class[] argTypes = new Class[] {String.class };
 63          Object[] args = new Object[] { setter };
 64          Method method = XBMessage.class.getMethod(methodName, argTypes);
 65          try {
 66             log.info("checkIfAllowed: setter='" + setter + "', getter='" + getter + "' expected='" + allowed + "'");
 67             method.invoke(msg, args);
 68             assertTrue("the combination set" + setter + "Property / get" + getter + "Property should NOT be allowed", allowed);
 69          }
 70          catch (Exception ex) {
 71             if (ex instanceof JMSException) {
 72                if (allowed) ex.printStackTrace();
 73                assertTrue("the combination set" + setter + "Property / get" + getter + "Property should be allowed: " + ex.getMessage(), !allowed);
 74             }
 75          }
 76       }
 77       catch (Exception ex) {
 78          ex.printStackTrace();
 79          assertTrue("Something is probably wrong with this test", false);
 80       }
 81    }
 83    private void checkSetter(XBMessage msg, String name, Object obj) {
 84       try {
 85          Object obj1 = msg.getObjectProperty(name).getClass();
 86          assertEquals("Type of setter is incorrect ", obj, obj1);
 87       }
 88       catch (Exception ex) {
 89          assertTrue("exception should not occur when testing setter for '" + name + "' ", false);
 90       }
 91    }
 93    /**
 94     * Specified in the jms 1.1 spec Cap. 3.5.4
 95     * Tests the setting and getting of properties of all possible types
 96     * according to the specification for the javax.jms.Message
 97     * @see http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/api/javax.jms.Message.html
 98     */
 99    public void testPropertyValueConversion() {
100       try {
101          byte[] content = null;
102          int type = XBMessage.TEXT;
103          XBMessage msg = new XBMessage(null, content, type);
105          String[] keys = new String[] {"Boolean", "Byte", "Short", "Int", "Long", "Float", "Double", "String"};
106          Object[] values = new Object[] { new Boolean(false), new Byte((byte)1), new Short((short)2), new Integer(3), new Long(4), new Float(5.01), new Double(6.02), new String("7 String")  };
108          msg.setBooleanProperty(keys[0], false);
109          msg.setByteProperty(keys[1], (byte)1);
110          msg.setShortProperty(keys[2], (short)2);
111          msg.setIntProperty(keys[3], (int)3);
112          msg.setLongProperty(keys[4], (long)4);
113          msg.setFloatProperty(keys[5], (float)5.01);
114          msg.setDoubleProperty(keys[6], (double)6.02);
115          msg.setStringProperty(keys[7], "7 (String)");
117          // prepare the result matrix (all others should  be false)
118          boolean[][] allowed = new boolean[8][8];
119          for (int j=0; j < 8; j++) {
120             for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) allowed[j][i] = false;
121          }
123          for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) allowed[7][i] = true;
124          for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) allowed[i][7] = true;
125          allowed[0][0] = true;
126          allowed[1][1] = true;
127          allowed[1][2] = true;
128          allowed[2][2] = true;
129          allowed[1][3] = true;
130          allowed[2][3] = true;
131          allowed[3][3] = true;
132          allowed[1][4] = true;
133          allowed[2][4] = true;
134          allowed[3][4] = true;
135          allowed[4][4] = true;
136          allowed[5][5] = true;
137          allowed[5][6] = true;
138          allowed[6][6] = true;
140          // test first if all types are set correctly
141          checkSetter(msg, "Boolean", Boolean.class);
142          checkSetter(msg, "Byte", Byte.class);
143          checkSetter(msg, "Short", Short.class);
144          checkSetter(msg, "Int", Integer.class);
145          checkSetter(msg, "Long", Long.class);
146          checkSetter(msg, "Float", Float.class);
147          checkSetter(msg, "Double", Double.class);
148          checkSetter(msg, "String", String.class);
150          for (int j=0; j < 8; j++) {
151             for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) {
152                checkIfAllowed(msg, keys[j], keys[i], values[j], allowed[j][i]);
153             }
154          }
155       }
156       catch (Exception ex) {
157          ex.printStackTrace();
158          assertTrue("exception occured ", false);
159       }
160    }
162    public void testTextMessage() {
163       try {
164          { // 1. key, content and qos all null in constructor
165             byte[] content = null;
166             XBTextMessage msg = new XBTextMessage(null, content);
168             String txt1 = "funny Things happen";
169             msg.setText(txt1);
170             String txt2 = msg.getText();
171             assertEquals("normal text comparison", txt1, txt2);
173             txt1 = null;
174             msg.setText(txt1);
175             txt2 = msg.getText();
176             assertEquals("normal text comparison", txt1, txt2);
177          }
179          { // 2. content not null in constructor
180             XBTextMessage msg = new XBTextMessage(null, "oh I am a text msg".getBytes());
182             String txt1 = "funny Things happen";
183             msg.setText(txt1);
184             String txt2 = msg.getText();
185             assertEquals("normal text comparison", txt1, txt2);
187             txt1 = null;
188             msg.setText(txt1);
189             txt2 = msg.getText();
190             assertEquals("normal text comparison", txt1, txt2);
191          }
192       }
193       catch (Exception ex) {
194          ex.printStackTrace();
195          assertTrue("exception occured ", false);
196       }
197    }
200    public void testBytesMessage() {
201       try {
202          {
203             ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
204             byte[] buf = new byte[100];
205             baos.write(buf);
206             byte[] buf1 = baos.toByteArray();
207             assertEquals("Wrong size of output buffer", buf.length, buf1.length);
208          }
209          { // 1. key, content and qos all null in constructor
210             byte[] content = null;
211             XBBytesMessage msg = new XBBytesMessage(null, content);
213             content = new byte[256];
214             for (int i=0; i < 256; i++) {
215                content[i] = (byte)i;
216             }
218             msg.writeBytes(content, 0, content.length);
219             XBDestination dest = new XBDestination("someTopic", null);
220             msg.setJMSDestination(dest);
221             msg.reset();
223             byte[] content2 = new byte[256];
224             msg.readBytes(content2);
225             for (int i=0; i < content.length; i++)
226                assertEquals("byte nr. '" + i + "' is wrong", content[i], content2[i]);
227          }
228          { // 1. key, content and qos all null in constructor
229             byte[] content = null;
230             XBBytesMessage msg = new XBBytesMessage(null, content);
232             content = new byte[256];
233             for (int i=0; i < 256; i++) {
234                content[i] = (byte)i;
235             }
237             msg.writeBytes(content, 0, content.length);
238             XBDestination dest = new XBDestination("someTopic", null);
239             msg.setJMSDestination(dest);
240             msg.reset();
241             MsgUnit msgUnit = MessageHelper.convertToMessageUnit(new Global(), msg);
243             byte[] content2 = msgUnit.getContent();
244             assertEquals("Wrong length", content.length, content2.length);
245             msg.readBytes(content2);
246             for (int i=0; i < content.length; i++)
247                assertEquals("byte nr. '" + i + "' is wrong", content[i], content2[i]);
248          }
249       }
250       catch (Exception ex) {
251          ex.printStackTrace();
252          assertTrue("exception occured ", false);
253       }
254    }
256    /**
257     * <pre>
258     *  java org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.TestMessages
259     * </pre>
260     */
261    public static void main(String args[])
262    {
263       TestMessages test = new TestMessages("TestMessages");
264       test.prepare(args);
266       test.setUp();
267       test.testBytesMessage();
268       test.tearDown();
270       test.setUp();
271       test.testPropertyValueConversion();
272       test.tearDown();
274       test.setUp();
275       test.testTextMessage();
276       test.tearDown();
277    }
278 }

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