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Re: [xmlblaster] Problem with build C++ DLL on Windows2000


nobody has ever tried the build.xml settings for Windows
and i'm shure it won't work (i'm talking about the C++
stuff, all Java runs fine on Windows).

There need to be somebody playing around with build.xml
on Windows C++ and contribute this.
Martin Johnson and you are the proud first victims :-)

To adjust build.xml to run with C++ Windows you need
to understand the "cpptasks" coded by Curt Arnold.

It is worth going the ant/cpptasks way as we have a common
build.xml to compile C++ on all platforms in future.
Other tools (like jam, configure, Makefile ...) all have cross platform
drawbacks - for us ant is the bright future even for C++.

On Windows i tried once and these settings seemed to be not too bad:

------------- Raw Windows invocations ------------------------------------
set CFLAGS=/c /nologo /D_WINDOWS /GX /GR /TP /MTd /DMICO=1 /I. /IE:\mico\include /IE:\mico\include\windows /nologo /D_WINDOWS /IE:\xmlBlaster\src\c++
cl.exe %CFLAGS% /FoE:\xmlBlaster\build\obj\Log.obj E:\xmlBlaster\src\c++\util\Log.cpp
cl.exe %CFLAGS% /FoE:\xmlBlaster\build\obj\xmlBlaster.obj E:\xmlBlaster\src\c++\generated\xmlBlaster.cpp
cl.exe %CFLAGS% /FoE:\xmlBlaster\build\obj\CompatibleCorba.obj E:\xmlBlaster\src\c++\util\CompatibleCorba.cpp
cl.exe %CFLAGS% /IE:\xerces-c-src1_6_0\src /IE:\xerces-c-src1_6_0\include /FoE:\xmlBlaster\build\obj\CorbaConnection.obj E:\xmlBlaster\src\c++\client\CorbaConnection.cpp

Something like the above commands needs to be generated by ant/build.xml in future.


Heinrich Götzger wrote:


I'm kinda helpless right now, provide more output please.

What is the output of the command
'build.bat -verbose cpp-lib'?

On Wed, 31 Jul 2002, Anna Lysenko wrote:

Hi Heinrich,

I tried to change to line 134 in $XMLBLASTER_HOME/build.xml (revision)
<property name="compiler" value="gcc"/> to the value "VC6", "bcc"  and so on and it does not change anything.
Ant still try to use gcc compile.  I don't know ant very well, but at
$XMLBLASTER_HOME/build.xml task for compile look like:

    <cc debug="true" link="shared"
        outfile="${lib.dir}/xmlBlasterClient" objdir="${build.dir}/obj"
        multithreaded="true" exceptions="true">
       <compiler refid="msvc"/>
       <compiler refid="gcc"/>
       <compiler refid="bcc"/>
       <fileset dir="${src.cpp.dir}/generated" includes="*.cpp"/>
       <fileset dir="${src.cpp.dir}/util" includes="*.cpp" />
       <fileset dir="${src.cpp.dir}/client" includes="*.cpp" />
       <includepath location="${src.cpp.dir}" />
       <!-- sysincludepath location="${STL_HOME}/stlport" /-->
       <sysincludepath location="${CORBACPP_HOME}/include" />
       <sysincludepath location="${CORBACPP_HOME}/include/windows" if="windows" /> <!-- necessary for mico on win32 -->
       <sysincludepath location="${XMLCPP_HOME}/src" if="windows" />               <!-- xerces win32 -->
       <sysincludepath location="${XMLCPP_HOME}/include" />           <!-- xerces 1.6.0 -->
       <sysincludepath location="${XMLCPP_HOME}/include/xercesc" />   <!-- Since xerces 1.7.0 -->
          <define name="MICO" value="1" />
          <!-- undefine name="UNWANTEDDEF" / -->

where cc - is custom task, define as nt.sf.antcontrib.apptasks.CCTask.class

I did not found the place, where name and property of compiler defined according with OS .

I didn't either yet. ;-)

And I don't know anything about all these java packages
nt.sf.antcontrib.apptasks.*, that are used in ant script. Is that also
open source, who wrote this?

I assume it is OS. It comes somewhere from ant contrib.

I really need to make it work at Windows, so might you have .bat file for windows, or documentation or something else?

I try to help as good as I can, but due to a lack of Windows I'm not able to test here. Probably there other gauys around who can assist.

