xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Package org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster

Interface Summary
ClusterManagerMBean JMX control for ClusterManager.
I_LoadBalancer Interface to the load balancing implementation.
I_MapMsgToMasterId Interface to implementation which finds the master cluster node of a given message.
NodeMasterInfoMBean Jmx access to configure a cluster node <master/> setup.

Class Summary
ClusterManager The manager instance for a cluster node.
ClusterNode This class holds the informations about an xmlBlaster server instance (=cluster node).
LoadBalancerPluginManager Loads the plugin to support cluster load balancing.
MapMsgToMasterPluginManager Loads the cluster plugin depending on message MIME type.
NodeConnectQos This class holds the address informations about an xmlBlaster server instance (=cluster node).
NodeMasterInfo Here we have the rules to find out who is the master of a message.
NodeParser XML parsing cluster node specific messages.
NodeStateInfo Holds performance data of a node.
PublishRetQosWrapper This class holds the PublishReturnQos (the returned QoS of a publish() call) and the NodeMasterInfo object responsible for the publish() and allows us to return them both on method return.

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

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