xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Interface I_MsgSecurityInterceptor

All Known Subinterfaces:
I_ClientPlugin, I_Session
All Known Implementing Classes:
ClientPlugin, ClientPlugin, ClientPlugin, ClientPlugin, Session, Session, Session, Session

public interface I_MsgSecurityInterceptor

Interface declaring methods to intercept messages in the security layer to allow crypt/encrypt etc. messages before sending.

If for example the server security plugin crypts messages with rot13, we need to decrypt it on the client side with the same algorithm. This is done here.

The reason is for clients to access xmlBlaster transparently from the authentication method

For every plugin type you need, you need on instance of this class.

Method Summary
 MsgUnitRaw exportMessage(CryptDataHolder dataHolder)
          Encrypt, sign, seal an outgoing message.
 MsgUnitRaw importMessage(CryptDataHolder dataHolder)
          Decrypt, check, unseal etc an incomming message.

Method Detail


MsgUnitRaw importMessage(CryptDataHolder dataHolder)
                         throws XmlBlasterException
Decrypt, check, unseal etc an incomming message.

Use this to import (decrypt) the xmlKey or xmlQos

dataHolder - A container holding the MsgUnitRaw and some additional informations
The original or modified message
XmlBlasterException - Thrown i.e. if the message has been modified
See Also:


MsgUnitRaw exportMessage(CryptDataHolder dataHolder)
                         throws XmlBlasterException
Encrypt, sign, seal an outgoing message.

Use this to export (encrypt) the xmlKey or xmlQos

dataHolder - A container holding the MsgUnitRaw and some additional informations
The probably more secure string
XmlBlasterException - Thrown if the message cannot be processed
See Also:

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

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