xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Uses of Class

Packages that use PublishQosServer
org.xmlBlaster.engine The core implementation. 

Uses of PublishQosServer in org.xmlBlaster.engine

Fields in org.xmlBlaster.engine declared as PublishQosServer
private  PublishQosServer RequestBroker.publishQosLoginEvent
private  PublishQosServer RequestBroker.publishQosLogoutEvent

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine with parameters of type PublishQosServer
private  void TopicHandler.administrativeInitialize(MsgKeyData msgKeyData, MsgQosData publishQos, PublishQosServer publishQosServer)
          Initialize the messageUnit cache and the history queue for this topic
(package private)  void RequestBroker.checkExistingSubscriptions(SessionInfo sessionInfo, TopicHandler topicHandler, PublishQosServer xmlQoS)
          This helper method checks for a published message which didn't exist before if there are any XPath subscriptions pending which match.
private  void TopicHandler.forwardToDestinations(SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo, MsgUnitWrapper cacheEntry, PublishQosServer publishQos)
          Forward PtP messages.
 PublishReturnQos TopicHandler.publish(SessionInfo publisherSessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, PublishQosServer publishQosServer)
          A new publish event (PubSub or PtP) arrives.
private  java.lang.String RequestBroker.publish(SessionInfo sessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, PublishQosServer publishQos)
          Write-Access method to publish a new message from a data source.

Uses of PublishQosServer in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.extern with parameters of type PublishQosServer
 java.lang.String MomClientGateway.setCommand(SessionInfo sessionInfo, KeyData xmlKey, MsgUnit msgUnit, PublishQosServer publishQos, boolean isClusterUpdate)
          Called by RequestBroker on publish() of command messages.

Uses of PublishQosServer in org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel with parameters of type PublishQosServer
 java.lang.String RunlevelManager.publish(SessionInfo sessionInfo, MsgUnit msgUnit, PublishQosServer publishQos)
          Called from RequestBroker when a new plugin XML is arriving.

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

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