xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Package org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch

Interface Summary
I_Callback Interface for Callback, the supported methods to call back to client side.
I_ConnectionStatusListener Listen to connection states of the dispatcher framework.
I_DispatchManager Manages the sending of messages and commands and does error recovery further we communicate with the dispatcher plugin if one is configured.
I_PostSendListener This interface handles ONLY asynchronous sending events.

Class Summary
ConnectionStateEnum This class simulates an enumeration for the connection states.
DispatchConnection Holding all necessary infos to establish a remote connection and check this connection.
DispatchConnectionsHandler Holding all necessary infos to establish a remote connection and invoke update()/updateOneway()/ping().
DispatchStatistic Collecting data on how many messages / bytes are successfully delivered.
DispatchWorker Takes messages from the queue and tries to send them back to a client.
DispatchWorkerPool Pool of threads doing a callback.

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

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