xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Package org.xmlBlaster.util

Java helper classes for server and client programming.


Interface Summary
I_EventDispatcher I_EventDispatcher used/implemented by the EventPlugin.
I_ExecuteListener Interface you need to implement to receive stdout/stderr data from a spawned process.
I_MergeDomNode Interface to delegate / decouple the merging of a node into an existing DOM tree
I_ReplaceContent Callback interface to replace a byte[], useful for example when publishing in stream mode where you need to modify each chunk.
I_ReplaceVariable Callback interface to replace a key from ReplaceVariable.
I_ResponseListener Used for asynchronous responses
I_Timeout Interface you need to implement to receive timeout notifications
I_XmlBlasterExceptionHandler You can register your implementation to do for example a immediate shutdown if an XmlBlasterException is thrown.

Class Summary
AttributeSaxFactory This class parses an xml string to generate an Attribute which can be used either in PluginConfig or on the normal properties server- or clientside.
Container Helper holding the callback interface an some user data to be looped through.
EmbeddedXmlBlaster Helper to create/start/stop a xmlBlaster server instance in a thread.
EncodableData This class encapsulates one client property in a QoS.
Execute Starts a program and delivers the exit value and some out parameter.
FileDumper Dump message to file.
Global Global variables to avoid singleton.
IsoDateParser Date parser for ISO 8601 format http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/NOTE-datetime-19980827
JAXPFactory Factory for JAXP factories.
JdkCompatible Helper to use only JDK 1.1 supported methods.
MsgUnit Encapsulates the parsed xmlKey and QoS, and the raw content.
MsgUnitRaw Encapsulates the xmlKey, content and qos.
RcvTimestamp Timestamp for received messages, time elapsed since 1970, the nanos are simulated as a unique counter.
SaxHandlerBase Default xmlBlaster handling of Sax2 callbacks and errors.
SessionName Handles unified naming convention of login names and user sessions.
SignalCatcher SignalCatcher catches Ctrl-C and does the desired action.
SimpleXbQueue This queue (FIFO) implementation may serve as your base class or as a member variable.
StopWatch Measure the elapsed time.
StringPairTokenizer StringPairTokenizer is a utility class used to parse a string giving back a map containing pairs of key/value strings.
ThreadLister List all threads in this virtual machine.
ThreadUtility Reads and compares two files containing stack traces.
Timeout Allows you be called back after a given delay.
TimeoutPooled Allows you be called back after a given delay.
Timestamp High performing timestamp class, time elapsed since 1970, the nanos are simulated as a unique counter.
WeakObj Test a weak reference
WeakObjPooled Test a weak reference
XbUri Convenience wrapper to parse an URI.
XmlBlasterSecurityManager XmlBlasterSecurityManager class to create a RMI SecurityManager with the config/xmlBlaster.policy file.
XmlBuffer Same as StringBuilder but has the additional method appendEscaped() which escapes predefined XML identities.
XmlNotPortable XmlNotPortable holds static methods for parser dependent code.
XmlQoSBase In good old C days this would have been named a 'flag' (with bit wise setting)
But this allows to specify QoS (quality of service) in XML syntax.
XmlToDom Helper which parses a XML ASCII string into a DOM tree.
XslTransformer Holds Transformers cached.

Exception Summary
StopParseException Throw this exception to stop SAX parsing.
XmlBlasterException The basic exception handling class for xmlBlaster.

Package org.xmlBlaster.util Description

Java helper classes for server and client programming.

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Copyright © 1999-2014 The xmlBlaster.org contributers.