xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use I_Plugin
javaclients Java examples, start reading the HelloWorld clients. 
org.xmlBlaster.engine The core implementation. 

Uses of I_Plugin in javaclients

Classes in javaclients that implement I_Plugin
 class ClientPlugin
          This client is loaded by xmlBlaster as a plugin on startup, it then connects to xmlBlaster and gets synchronous a message and disconnects.
 class HelloWorldNative
          This native client plugin is loaded by xmlBlaster on startup, it then connects to xmlBlaster.
 class HelloWorldNative2
          This native client plugin is loaded by xmlBlaster on startup, it then connects to xmlBlaster and subscribes to a topic and publishes a message.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins

Subinterfaces of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins
 interface I_Manager

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins with parameters of type I_Plugin
 void PluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.demo

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.authentication.plugins.demo that implement I_Plugin
 class Manager
          This example pops up a GUI, and a user has to confirm all logins and authorize messages manually.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.client.filepoller

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.client.filepoller that implement I_Plugin
 class FilePollerPlugin
          FilePollerPlugin polls on a directory in the file system for new files.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol

Subinterfaces of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol
 interface I_CallbackServer
          This is the client callback interface to xmlBlaster.
 interface I_XmlBlasterConnection
          This is the client interface to xmlBlaster.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol with parameters of type I_Plugin
 void CbServerPluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)
 void ProtocolPluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.corba

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.corba that implement I_Plugin
 class CorbaCallbackServer
          Example for a CORBA callback implementation.
 class CorbaConnection
          This is a helper class, helping a Java client to connect to xmlBlaster using IIOP (CORBA).

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.email

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.email that implement I_Plugin
 class EmailCallbackImpl
          Used for client to receive xmlBlaster callbacks over emails.
 class EmailConnection
          This driver sends emails to the xmlBlaster server, the return QOS are polled via POP3.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.local

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.local that implement I_Plugin
 class LocalCallbackImpl
          A client callback driver for in jvm calls.
 class LocalConnection
          A local connections.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.rmi

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.rmi that implement I_Plugin
 class RmiCallbackServer
          Example for a RMI callback implementation.
 class RmiConnection
          This is a helper class, helping a Java client to connect to xmlBlaster using RMI.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.socket

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.socket that implement I_Plugin
 class SocketCallbackImpl
          Used for client to receive xmlBlaster callbacks over plain sockets.
 class SocketConnection
          This driver establishes exactly one connection to xmlBlaster-Server and uses this socket for asynchronous callbacks as well.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.xmlrpc

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.client.protocol.xmlrpc that implement I_Plugin
 class XmlRpcCallbackServer
          Example for a XmlRpc callback implementation.
 class XmlRpcConnection
          This is an xmlBlaster proxy.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib that implement I_Plugin
 class GlobalInfo

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.plugin

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.plugin that implement I_Plugin
 class DbWatcherPlugin
          DbWatcherPlugin is a plugin wrapper if you want to run DbWatcher inside xmlBlaster.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwriter that implement I_Plugin
 class DbWriterPlugin
          DbWriterPlugin is a plugin wrapper if you want to run DbWriter inside xmlBlaster.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewatcher that implement I_Plugin
 class FileWatcherPlugin
          FileWatcherPlugin polls on a directory in the file system for new files.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewriter

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.filewriter that implement I_Plugin
 class FileWriter
          XmlBlaster plugin wrapper code.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.htmlmonitor

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.htmlmonitor that implement I_Plugin
 class HtmlMonitorPlugin
          HtmlMonitorPlugin is a native plugin to build simple HTML monitoring pages.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.jmx

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.jmx that implement I_Plugin
 class MX4JAdaptor

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.mime that implement I_Plugin
 class DropIfNotDeliverable
          Throw away callback messages and unsubscribe all subscriptions if a client gows to polling.
 class DropIfNotDeliverableUniqueOnly
           Sometimes we need to support this subscribe pattern: A client only wants the newest message with this details:

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication that implement I_Plugin
 class ReplicationAgent.OwnGlobalInfo

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl that implement I_Plugin
 class ReplManagerPlugin
          ReplManagerPlugin is a plugin wrapper if you want to run DbWatcher inside xmlBlaster.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.scheduler

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.scheduler that implement I_Plugin
 class SchedulerPlugin

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.socketgetter

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.contrib.socketgetter that implement I_Plugin
 class SocketGetterPlugin
          SocketGetterPlugin is a plugin wrapper if you want to run SocketGetter inside xmlBlaster.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine

Subinterfaces of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine
 interface I_SessionPersistencePlugin
          I_SessionPersitencePlugin provides the interface for the storage for both sessions and subscriptions.

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine that implement I_Plugin
 class DeadMessageDumper
          Subscribes to the "__sys__deadMessage" topic and dumps the dead messages to the hard disk.
 class EventPlugin
          Registers for events from the xmlBlaster core and forwards them as configured.
 class SessionPersistencePlugin
          SessionPersistencePlugin provides the persistent storage for both sessions and subscriptions.
 class StartupTasks
          This plugin is loaded on xmlBlaster startup and executes the script file xmlBlasterStartup.xml.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.intern

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.intern that implement I_Plugin
 class CoreHandler
          Implementation of administrative access to xmlBlaster internal java objects.
 class MsgHandler
          Implementation of administrative access to xmlBlaster messages.
 class PropertyHandler
          Implementation of administrative access to properties.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster that implement I_Plugin
 class ClusterManager
          The manager instance for a cluster node.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster with parameters of type I_Plugin
 void LoadBalancerPluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)
 void MapMsgToMasterPluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.simpledomain

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine.cluster.simpledomain that implement I_Plugin
 class DomainToMaster
          Finds the master of a message depending on the domain attribute of the message key tag.
 class RoundRobin
          Implements dummy load balancing for xmlBlaster using round robin approach.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.distributor

Subinterfaces of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.distributor
 interface I_MsgDistributor

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.distributor.plugins

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine.distributor.plugins that implement I_Plugin
 class ConsumableQueuePlugin

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime with parameters of type I_Plugin
 void PublishPluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin_, PluginInfo pluginInfo)
          Called from base class after creation
 void AccessPluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)
          Called by PluginManagerBase.instantiatePluginSecondPhase()

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.demo

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.demo that implement I_Plugin
 class ContentLenFilter
          This demo plugin filters away all messages having a content longer than the given filter length.
 class PublishDelayer
          This demo plugin delays incoming (published) messages.
 class PublishLenChecker
          This demo plugin filters away all messages having a content longer than the given filter length.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.regex

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.regex that implement I_Plugin
 class GnuRegexFilter
          This regex plugin allows to filter message contents with regular expressions.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.sql92

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.sql92 that implement I_Plugin
 class Sql92Filter
          This sql92 plugin allows to filter the client properties of the qos expressions of the kind specified in SQL92 for the 'WHERE' selections.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath that implement I_Plugin
 class XPathFilter
          Filter content on an XPath expression.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore with parameters of type I_Plugin
protected  void StoragePluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.cache

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.cache that implement I_Plugin
 class PersistenceCachePlugin
          Implements a random access message storage.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine.msgstore.ram that implement I_Plugin
 class MapPlugin
          Mapping messages in RAM only.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence

Subinterfaces of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence
 interface I_PersistenceDriver
          Deprecated. Please use I_Queue and I_Map instead

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence with parameters of type I_Plugin
 void PersistencePluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence.filestore

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.engine.persistence.filestore that implement I_Plugin
 class FileDriver
          A very simple, file based, persistence manager.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.engine.runlevel with parameters of type I_Plugin
protected  void RunlevelPluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)
          Is called after a plugin in instantiated, allows the base class to do specific actions.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.protocol

Subinterfaces of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.protocol
 interface I_CallbackDriver
          This interface hides the real protocol used to send a client a callback message
 interface I_Driver
          This interface hides the real protocol used to invoke xmlBlaster.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.protocol with parameters of type I_Plugin
 void CbProtocolManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.corba that implement I_Plugin
 class CallbackCorbaDriver
          This object sends a MsgUnitRaw back to a client using Corba.
 class CorbaDriver
          CorbaDriver class to invoke the xmlBlaster server using CORBA.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.email

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.email that implement I_Plugin
 class CallbackEmailDriver
          Sends a MsgUnitRaw back to a client using Email.
 class EmailDriver
          Email driver class to invoke the xmlBlaster server over ordinary emails.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.jdbc that implement I_Plugin
 class CallbackJdbcDriver
          This object sends a MsgUnitRaw back to a client using jdbc interface, in the same JVM.
 class JdbcDriver
          JDBC driver class using the native interface.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.local

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.local that implement I_Plugin
 class CallbackLocalDriver
          A server callback driver for in jvm calls.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.rmi

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.rmi that implement I_Plugin
 class CallbackRmiDriver
          This object sends a MsgUnitRaw back to a client using RMI.
 class RmiDriver
          RmiDriver class to invoke the xmlBlaster server using RMI.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.socket that implement I_Plugin
 class CallbackSocketDriver
          One instance of this for each client to send him callback.
 class SocketDriver
          Socket driver class to invoke the xmlBlaster server over a native message format

This "SOCKET:" driver needs to be registered in xmlBlaster.properties and will be started on xmlBlaster startup, for example:


Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.stomp

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.stomp that implement I_Plugin
 class XbStompDriver
          XbStomp driver class to invoke the xmlBlaster server over STOMP protocol.
 class XbStompInOutBridge
          Protocol bridge, to bridge between xmlBlaster and STOMP protocol.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.protocol.xmlrpc that implement I_Plugin
 class CallbackXmlRpcDriver
          This object sends a MsgUnitRaw back to a client using XMLRPC interface, in the same JVM.
 class CallbackXmlRpcDriverSingleChannel
          This object sends a MsgUnitRaw back to a client using XMLRPC interface, in the same JVM.
 class XmlRpcDriver
          XmlRpc driver class to invoke the xmlBlaster server over HTTP XMLRPC.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.test.classtest.queue that implement I_Plugin
 class DesignQueues2008InitialTest.TestInfo

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib that implement I_Plugin
private  class TestInfo.OwnGlobalInfo

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.filewatcher

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.test.contrib.filewatcher that implement I_Plugin
 class FileWatcherFeeder
          This class is used to write files to the location where one or more file watchers are getting their data from.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.util.checkpoint

Subinterfaces of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.util.checkpoint
 interface I_Checkpoint
          Interface for plugins to handle messages passing checkpoints.

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.util.checkpoint that implement I_Plugin
 class Checkpoint
          Plugin to trace the message flow into log files.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins with parameters of type I_Plugin
protected  void DispatchPluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)
          Called after getPlugin() but only if plugin was new created

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.prio

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.prio that implement I_Plugin
 class PriorizedDispatchPlugin
          This dispatcher plugin allows to control how messages are sent to the remote side.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin that return I_Plugin
 I_Plugin PluginManagerBase.getDummyPlugin()
          Tries to return an instance of the default plugin.
 I_Plugin PluginManagerBase.getFromPluginCache(java.lang.String id)
 I_Plugin PluginRegistry.getPlugin(java.lang.String id)
          Gets the plugin which has previously been registered with the given id.
 I_Plugin PluginManagerBase.getPluginObject(PluginInfo pluginInfo)
          Return a specific plugin, if one is loaded already it is taken from cache.
 I_Plugin PluginManagerBase.getPluginObject(java.lang.String typeVersion)
 I_Plugin I_PluginManager.getPluginObject(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String version)
          Return a specific plugin.
 I_Plugin PluginManagerBase.getPluginObject(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String version)
          Return a specific plugin, if one is loaded already it is taken from cache.
protected  I_Plugin PluginManagerBase.instantiatePlugin(PluginInfo pluginInfo)
          Create a plugin instance without caching it.
protected  I_Plugin PluginManagerBase.instantiatePlugin(PluginInfo pluginInfo, boolean usePluginCache)
          Loads a plugin.
private  I_Plugin PluginManagerBase.instantiatePluginFirstPhase(PluginInfo pluginInfo, boolean usePluginCache)
private  I_Plugin PluginManagerBase.instantiatePluginSecondPhase(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)
 I_Plugin PluginManagerBase.removeFromPluginCache(java.lang.String id)
 I_Plugin PluginRegistry.unRegister(java.lang.String id)
          unregisters the specified plugin.

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin with parameters of type I_Plugin
private  I_Plugin PluginManagerBase.instantiatePluginSecondPhase(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)
protected  void PluginManagerBase.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)
          Is called after a plugin in instantiated, allows the base class to do specific actions.
 boolean PluginRegistry.register(java.lang.String id, I_Plugin plugin)
          Registers the plugin into this registry.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.util.protocol.email that implement I_Plugin
 class Pop3Driver
          This class is capable to poll for emails using the POP3 protocol.
 class SmtpClient
          This class sends outgoing emails.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue

Subinterfaces of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue
 interface I_StoragePlugin
          Interface for storage plugins

Methods in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue with parameters of type I_Plugin
protected  void QueuePluginManager.postInstantiate(I_Plugin plugin, PluginInfo pluginInfo)

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.cache

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.cache that implement I_Plugin
 class CacheQueueInterceptorPlugin
          Implements a queue cache.

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc that implement I_Plugin
 class JdbcQueue
          Persistence queue implementation on a DB based on JDBC.
 class JdbcQueueCommonTablePlugin
          Persistence queue implementation on a DB based on JDBC.
private  class XBDatabaseAccessor.QueueGlobalInfo

Uses of I_Plugin in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.ram

Classes in org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.ram that implement I_Plugin
 class RamQueuePlugin
          Queueing messages in RAM only, sorted after priority and timestamp

xmlBlaster 2.2.0 API

Copyright © 1999-2014 The xmlBlaster.org contributers.